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112 lines (104 loc) · 7.49 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (104 loc) · 7.49 KB


[Table of Contents]


  • Reset rating shortcut is now also bound to 'º' key, in addition to '0'.
  • Tips for covers not being parsed properly while setting dynamic colors on UI at help window.
  • Controller outputs to browser console current template, foobar2000 and foo_httpcontrol version numbers.
  • Ctrl + Double L. click on a playlist tab removes the selected playlist.


  • foobar2000 and foo_httpcontrol version numbers are now displayed at the help window title.
  • Updated keyboard shortcuts processing to work with most new browsers and different keyboard layouts. Old method is still used as fallback for legacy browsers.
  • .ui only playlist are now shown at the Playlist Manager window and can be selected to switch between them. Files still need to be loaded first.



  • Rating keyboard shortcuts (0-5, +, -) not working.
  • Code cleanup and internal code fixes.
  • Folders displayed as playlists on Playlist Manager window. Now are hidden.
  • Copy selection on Playlist Manager window was not working properly with latest Playlist Manager script versions due to a name change on actions.
  • Keyboard shortcuts not working.

0.97 - 2023-05-08


  • Tooltip to playlist's tracks with current track's info, selection count and extra configurable info at 'config.json' (helper4).
  • Added 'playlist_items_per_page_max' at 'config.json' (requires foo_httpcontrol v0.97.25).
  • Added total number of tracks on active playlist and selected tracks count at the status bar (at bottom).
  • Queue and Dequeue commands to contextual menu.
  • Every part of the current query path at 'Search media library' panel can now be clicked to jump to that node. For ex: for a library filtered by genre with path '[African] > Ali Farka Touré > Ali & Toumani'; '[African]' And 'Ali Farka Touré' could be clicked to directly jump to those (like pressing the back button multiple times).


  • Progress bar text is now cut to ensure it's displayed on a single line.
  • Progress bar tooltip now displays the full playing now info (helper2).
  • Changed 'Sort by...', 'Rename', 'Add' (Extended controls) and 'Browse to...' (Browse files) popups from native modal popups to HTML ones (should work in more browsers and be future-proof). Colors also change according to theme.
  • Simplified 'Search media library' panel UI.
  • Simplified 'Sort by...' prompt info.
  • Clarified the warnings for 'Playlist Tools Menu Entries' (listener and CMD) when the required components are installed but the feature has not been enabled.
  • Opening the contextual menu now first selects the track at mouse position if there were no tracks selected before or current selection was at other position. i.e. it behaves like foobar2000 selection, only running the contextual menu on current selection if you clicked within it.
  • Tooltips are now self-hidden if mouse is not moved after 6 secs of being shown.
  • Cut left text on status bar (at bottom) in case it's too long. Full text is now shown on the tooltip.
  • Changed queue column to only show the first queue index (in case an item is queued multiple times).
  • Adjusted dynamic colors to better differentiate playlist scrollbar from background.
  • Adjusted playlist tabs size (but font size remains the same).
  • Mouse changed to cross during drag n' drop.
  • Mouse changed to pointer when over the status bar (at bottom).
  • Scrolling during drag n' drop by moving the mouse to the top or bottom of the playlist now fires after 400 ms instead of 2000 ms (which made it practically unusable).
  • Template no longer shows AJAX errors while reloading the web page, as long as it is able to identify the page is unloading. See Mozilla compatibility browser list.



  • 'Flush queue' and 'Run contextual menu' did not respect the disabled state, allowing to click on them while action was disabled.
  • 'Sort by...' at 'Extended controls' panel not working in some cases when specifying the sort direction.
  • Selected track, playing or pause icon overlapping with queue index in some cases.
  • Scrolling back not working during drag n' drop if already scrolled to a posterior page on the playlist (since original ajquery).
  • Dynamic colors not being reset when closing/opening the art panel during the same track due to some optimizations included in v0.96.

0.96 - 2023-05-05


  • Contextual menu with basic functionality on a player context, replaces the native web browser contextual menu (available pressing Shift + R. Click). Further features will be added on future updates.
  • Undo action also available via Ctrl + z.
  • Redo action also available via Ctrl + y.


  • All js files are now deferred after the entire template is loaded. This also fixes console warnings about 'Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content.' on Firefox.
  • Code cleanup.



  • Removed static image fallback for dynamic colors usage when no album art was found (which was never implemented). Fallback to theme used instead. Fixes console warnings about file not being found. Functionality doesn't change at all for final user.
  • Selection not being preserved after connection re-check. Bug introduced on v0.95.
  • Changed some optimizations in vibrant library to comply with modern V8 usage. Also fixes console warnings about 'Unreachable code after return statement'.
  • Updated cookie usage to current standards. Now uses 'SameSite=Strict' following mozilla guidelines;

0.95 - 2023-05-04


  • Template version is now shown on the help button and dialog window title.


  • Colors will change based on album art palette when the album art is shown, similar to Georgia-ReBORN. Option may be set at 'xxx\config-theme.json', enabled by default.
  • Dark theme is now the default theme.
  • Cursor no longer changes while connection is re-checked (loading indicator).
  • Rating and track length are now split into 2 columns, so they always get aligned properly no matter the number of digits (for ex. 10:23 vs 3:20).
  • Code cleanup.



  • Playlist Tools menu entries (listener) not sending commands to proper playlist if 'PT:listener' did not exist before (i.e. working on second command sent not the first one).
  • Window height increasing indefinitely when showing artwork due to server re-connection added on v0.94.

0.94 - 2023-03-07


  • Template will try to reconnect when server is unreachable every 10 secs.
  • Template will check server connection every 10 secs (and adjust UI accordingly).


  • Improved AJAX errors dialog popups.



  • Play/pause icon is now properly set on init (according to foobar playing state).

0.93 - 2023-03-05


  • First release.


