XML extension to the excellent Flurl 4 library
- Get, post and receive XML models
- Receive XDocument
- Receive XElements with XPath
- Get an XDocument:
var result = await "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql"
.SetQueryParam("q", "select wind from weather.forecast where woeid=2460286")
.SetQueryParam("format", "xml")
string chill = result
?.Element(XNamespace.Get("http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/ns/rss/1.0") + "wind")
- Post and receive a model:
var result = await "http://my_xml_endpoint"
.PostXmlAsync(new TestModel { Number = 3, Text = "Test" })
Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Number);
Assert.AreEqual("Test", result.Text);
- Put a model and receive an XDocument:
var result = await "http://my_xml_endpoint"
.PutXmlAsync(new TestModel {Number = 3, Text = "Test"})
Assert.AreEqual("3", result?.Element("TestModel")?.Element("Number")?.Value);
Assert.AreEqual("Test", result?.Element("TestModel")?.Element("Text")?.Value);
- XML File icon by Oliviu Stoian from The Noun Project