- Export as a Haskell (.hs) file.
- Redesign case icon to avoid non-locality.
- Move @ pattern circles so that they are on the same side as the variables.
- Add command line flags for color style, embedding, and whether to draw arrowheads.
- Add wiki pages discussing: Why a visual language?, History of Glance, How to contribute, Code guide [code style, ...], etc..
- Select areas by clicking the vertices of the selection area.
- Have a way to delete nodes and edges
- Display the undo state in the app Bug #14
- Add edge creation to history.
- Click a button that shows an image of the mouse and keyboard controls in a new window.
- Consider a way to keep the currentEdge after creating an edge. May be useful where a variable is used mulitple times (e.g. a big struct parameter).
- Create functions by connecting a second edge to an apply argument port and then selecting the second output (or maybe just the select the output of the function and connect the function up later?)
- Consider not redrawing everything every cycle. Perhaps exclude things from drawing, or have two drawing passes on different timers.
- Use diagrams library for Cairo drawings.
- Extract out Cairo code into a module.
- Port expansion: similar to embedding, if a port is connected to a node that is on top of it, the port expands to fit that node.
- Use a Gtk text box or similar for port text input/editing.
- Add dark boxes behind text to make it more legible
- Increase number of ports when the last port is connected.
- Update the port text's of connected ports when updating or connecting a new port.
- Evaluate and display values. (e.g it should say x = 4) above a port.
- Fix the arrowheads being too big for SyntaxGraph drawings.
Use different line styles (e.g. dashed, solid, wavy) in addition to colors
Consider improving nested apply icons embedded in case/guard icons.
Let lines connect to ports other than the original source
Use diagrams to shrink the drawing until icons start overlapping.
Make an icon font/library with labeled ports. E.g. the apply icon would have text labels "function", "result", "arg 0", "arg 1", etc.
Fix applyComposeScore in Translate.hs not counting expressions that nest via reference. May need to move compose generation to after translate.
Add proper RecConstr, and RecUpdate support.
Special case for otherwise.
- Tab completion