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Installing and running the HBAR-DTK scripts

Authors:Jason Chin
Version:0.1.1 of 2013/04/30


Install Python

Make sure you are using python2.7. We can create a clean virtualenv and activate it:

$ export HBAR_HOME=/some/path/to/your/HBAR_ENV
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 $HBAR_HOME
$ . bin/activate

Next you want to install pbcore ( ) library and its dependencies. First install numpy:

$ pip install numpy==1.6.2

We need to complile libhdf5 ( ) and install it in the virtualenv:

$ wget
$ tar zxvf hdf5-1.8.9.tar.gz
$ cd hdf5-1.8.9
$ ./configure --prefix=$HBAR_HOME --enable-cxx
$ make install
$ cd ..

Install h5py ( ):

$ wget
$ tar zxvf h5py-2.0.1.tar.gz
$ cd h5py-2.0.1
$ python build --hdf5=$PATH_TO_HBAR_ENV
$ python install

If you alread have these libraries installed in your current python environment, you can and maybe you should skip some of these steps.

Install HBAR Python Libraries

Next, install the PacBio python libraries:

$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+

If you do a pip freeze, this is what you will see:

$ pip freeze

Install Other HBAR Prerequisites

We need BLASR for the pre-assembly mapping. BLASR is included in the SMRT(R) Analysis installation and is also available on github. You need to copy a blasr binary into your $HBAR_HOME/bin:

$ cp blasr $HBAR_HOME/bin

Last, we need a copy of Celera Assembler for the assembly itself:

$ wget
$ tar jxvf wgs-7.0-PacBio-Linux-amd64.tar.bz2 -C $HBAR_HOME/bin/
$ ln -sf $HBAR_HOME/bin/wgs-7.0/Linux-amd64/bin/* $HBAR_HOME/bin/

For the final step of polishing the assembly using Quiver, we need a SMRT Analysis installation, plus Quiver from github. Quiver is available via a link from PacBio DevNet or directly on github. Please follow the installation instructions there.



  • While the general strategy of HBAR will work for larger genome in principle. Special consideration should be taken to do the distributed computing efficiently.

Set up the environment

Make sure you have clean UNIX shell environment. (Please be sure you do not have PYTHON_PATH environment variable and other random non-standard paths in your PATH environment variable.) If your shell environment is clean, do:

$ export PATH_TO_HBAR_ENV=/the_full_path_to_your_installation
$ source $PATH_TO_HBAR_ENV/bin/activate

You can "deactivate" the HBAR_ENV by:

$ deactivate

Prepare data, set up the configuration and run

Prepare a working directory and create a file input.fofn that points to the base files (bas.h5 files) for assembly. Let call this directory my_assembly. You also need to make sure the paths in the input.fofn file are absolute and not relative paths.

Here is an example of the input.fofn files:


Copy the example configuration to the working directory:

$ cd my_assembly
$ cp $PATH_TO_HBAR_ENV/etc/HBAR.cfg .

Here is the content of HBAR.cfg:

# list of files of the initial bas.h5 files
input_fofn = input.fofn

# The length cutoff used for seed reads used for initial mapping
length_cutoff = 4500

# The length cutoff used for seed reads usef for pre-assembly
length_cutoff_pr = 4500

# The read quality cutoff used for seed reads
RQ_threshold = 0.75

# SGE job option for distributed mapping
sge_option_dm = -pe smp 8 -q fas

# SGE job option for m4 filtering
sge_option_mf = -pe smp 4 -q fas

# SGE job option for pre-assembly
sge_option_pa = -pe smp 16 -q fas

# SGE job option for CA
sge_option_ca = -pe smp 4 -q fas

# SGE job option for Quiver
sge_option_qv = -pe smp 16 -q fas

# SGE job option for "qsub -sync y" to sync jobs in the different stages
sge_option_ck = -pe smp 1 -q fas

# blasr for initial read-read mapping for each chunck (do not specific the "-out" option).
# One might need to tune the bestn parameter to match the number of distributed chunks to get more optimized results
blasr_opt = -nCandidates 50 -minMatch 12 -maxLCPLength 15 -bestn 4 -minPctIdentity 70.0 -maxScore -1000 -nproc 4 -noSplitSubreads

#This is used for running quiver
SEYMOUR_HOME = /mnt/secondary/Smrtpipe/builds/Assembly_Mainline_Nightly_Archive/build470-116466/

#The number of best alignment hits used for pre-assembly
#It should be about the same as the final PLR coverage, slight higher might be OK.
bestn = 36

# target choices are "pre_assembly", "draft_assembly", "all"
# "pre_assembly" : generate pre_assembly for any long read assembler to use
# "draft_assembly": automatic submit CA assembly job when pre-assembly is done
# "all" : submit job for using Quiver to do final polish
target = draft_assembly

# number of chunks for distributed mapping
preassembly_num_chunk = 8

# number of chunks for pre-assembly.
# One might want to use bigger chunk data sizes (smaller dist_map_num_chunk) to
# take the advantage of the suffix array index used by blasr
dist_map_num_chunk = 4

# "tmpdir" is for preassembly. A lot of small files are created and deleted during this process.
# It would be great to use ramdisk for this. Set tmpdir to a NFS mount will probably have very bad performance.
tmpdir = /tmp

# "big_tmpdir" is for quiver, better in a big disk
big_tmpdir = /tmp

# various trimming parameters
min_cov = 8
max_cov = 64
trim_align = 50
trim_plr = 50

# number of processes used by by blasr during the preassembly process
q_nproc = 16

Please change the various sge_option_* to the proper SGE queue for the SGE cluster to run the code.

You should estimate the overall coverage and length distribution for putting in the correct options in the configuration file. You will need to decide a length cutoff for the seeding reads. The optimum cutoff length will depend on the distribution of the sequencing read lengths, the genome size and the overall yield. The general guideline is the coverage of the seeding sequences should be above 20x of the genome and the overall coverage should be at least 3x of the coverage of the seeding sequences. Start the Hierarchical Genome Assembly Process b the assembly process by:

$ HBAR.cfg

If you want to kill the jobs, you should kill the python process using kill command and using qdel for the SGE jobs submitted by the python process.

The spec file used by the Celera Assembler is at $HBAR_HOME/etc/asm.spec. In the future, this will be configurable using the configuration file.

How to choose length cutoff

Here is some code snippet that might be useful for helping to get some educational guess for the length cutoff. First, loading some module:

from import FastaIO
import numpy as np
from math import exp, log

Read the input reads and fill-in the seq_length list:

f = FastaIO.FastaReader("all_norm.fa")
seq_lengths = []
for r in f:
seq_lengths = np.array(seq_lengths)

If you have matplotlib installed, you can check the histogram with:


Set the genome size:

genome_size = 47000000

Generate various coverage information and Lander-Waterman statistics for different length cutoff:

total = sum(seq_lengths)
coverage_array = []
print "cutoff\ttotal_base\ttotol/seed\tcov\tcontig_count\tcontig_len/genome_size"
for x in range(3000,10000,500):
    psum = sum(seq_lengths[seq_lengths>x])
    coverage = 0.5 * psum / genome_size # we loss 50% bases after the pre-assembly step
    contig_count = coverage * genome_size / x * exp( -coverage )
    contig_length = (exp(coverage) - 1) * x /coverage
    print "%d\t%d\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f" % (x, psum, 1.0*total/psum, coverage,  contig_count,  contig_length/genome_size)
    coverage_array.append( [x, psum, 1.0*total/psum, coverage,  contig_count, contig_length/genome_size] )
coverage_array = np.array( coverage_array )

Here is an example of the output:

cutoff  total_base      totol/seed      cov     contig_count    contig_len/genome_size
3000    338653714       1.36    36.03   0.00    78472724961.07
3500    303058009       1.52    32.24   0.00    2319098472.00
4000    267546052       1.72    28.46   0.00    68664337.09
4500    231380061       1.99    24.61   0.00    1905600.54
5000    197848047       2.33    21.05   0.00    69912.18
5500    166824314       2.76    17.75   0.00    3362.59
6000    139984665       3.29    14.89   0.00    251.54
6500    116457831       3.96    12.39   0.04    26.81
7000    95601124        4.82    10.17   0.26    3.82
7500    78065025        5.90    8.30    1.29    0.78
8000    63354342        7.28    6.74    4.68    0.21
8500    50775028        9.08    5.40    13.47   0.07
9000    40410887        11.41   4.30    30.49   0.03
9500    31313271        14.72   3.33    58.92   0.02

Pick read length cutoffs that satisfy: 1. The ratio of the total number bases to the long read bases is larger than 3. 2. Estimated Lander-Waterman contig number less than 0.25. 3. The estimated Lander-Waterman contig size is larger than 0.25x of the genome size.

print "recommended cutoff (total/seed > 3, LW contig # <0.25, LW contig length > 0.25x genome)"
print "cutoff\ttotal_base\ttotol/seed\tcov\tcontig_count\tcontig_len/genome_size"

for l in coverage_array[ (coverage_array[...,2]>3) & (coverage_array[...,4]<0.25) & (coverage_array[...,5]>0.25),...]:
    print "%d\t%d\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f" % tuple(l)

The output:

recommended cutoff (total/seed > 3, LW contig # <0.25, LW contig length > 0.25x genome)
cutoff  total_base      totol/seed      cov     contig_count    contig_len/genome_size
6000    139984665       3.29    14.89   0.00    251.54
6500    116457831       3.96    12.39   0.04    26.81

In this example, length cutoffs from 6000 to 6500 satisfy the criteria.