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Release 4.0.0

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@rholder rholder released this 20 Nov 06:44


  • Upgrade internal tooling API to use Gradle 5.6.2 which adds Java 11 support
  • Gradle wrapper is now at Gradle 5.6.2
  • Java bytecode compatibility bumped up to 1.8 to support later versions of Gradle Tooling API
  • Switch to using the org.jetbrains.intellij plugin for more modern plugin development
  • Removed old gradle-one-jar plugin in favor of shadow

Known Issues

  • Gradle 4.x and below don't support Java 11 and recent versions of the IntelliJ Platform now ship with the Jetbrains Runtime (JBR) which is based on Java 11. Using Java 8 and an IntelliJ Platform that does NOT include the bundled JBR may provide a workaround for some issues with older JDKs.


498ce616cf9033fdc96a0fb58c1a3742975fa731c8707a8546c7231ca649ea61  gradle-view-4.0.0-standalone.jar