The system is implemented as an k8s operator using the operator-sdk but is deployed as a DaemonSet instead of Deployment with filtering only events for the DaemonSet pod node.
kubernetes-nmstate is connecting to NetworkManager running on a host. That implies following dependency requirements:
kubernetes-nmstate version | NetworkManager version |
master, > 0.15.0 |
>= 1.22 |
<= 0.15.0 |
>= 1.20 |
See local virtualized cluster guide to learn how to deploy a cluster that can be used to try kubernetes-nmstate, run e2e tests and perform debugging.
Set the current env vars KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=external
to the k8s cluster config.
After that you can follow "Local Kubernetes cluster" but using
to specify where the dev
containers are being pushed
For example is being used as the dev place for containers and want to deploy some changes at external cluster, following steps would be enough:
doker login -u foo
make IMAGE_REPO=foo cluster-sync
# If pkg/apis/ has been changed, run generator to update client code
make gen-k8s gen-openapi
# Build handler operator (both its binary and docker image)
make handler
# Static checking
make check
# Run unit tests
make test/unit
# Run e2e tests, you need a running k8s/openshift cluster with with kubernets-nmstate running.
make test/e2e
# Run tests matching the regex "NodeSelector"
make test/e2e E2E_TEST_ARGS='-ginkgo.focus=NodeSelector'
# Conversely, exclude tests that match the regex "Simple\ OVS*"
make test/e2e E2E_TEST_ARGS='--ginkgo.skip="Simple\ OVS*"'
# Push nmstate-handler container to remote registry
make push-handler
It is possible to adjust the built container images with the following environment variables.
IMAGE_REPO # nmstate
HANDLER_IMAGE_NAME # kubernetes-nmstate-handler
The operator operator.yaml
manifest from the deploy
folder is a template to
be able to replace the with correct docker image to use.
Everytime cluster-sync is called it will regenerate the operator yaml with correct kubernets-nmstate-handler image and apply it.
kubernetes-nmstate generally follows the standard github pull request process, but there is a layer of additional specific differences:
The first difference you'll see is that a bot will begin applying structured labels to your PR.
The bot may also make some helpful suggestions for commands to run in your PR to
facilitate review. These /command
options can be entered in comments to
trigger auto-labeling and notifications. Refer to its command reference
Common new contributor PR issues are:
- Missing DCO sign-off:
Developers Certificate of Origin (DCO) Sign-off is a requirement for getting patches into the project (see Developers Certificate of Origin). You can "sign" this certificate by including a line in the git commit of "Signed-off-by: Legal Name ". If you forgot to add the sign-off, you can also amend your commit with the sign-off:git commit --amend -s
To make it easier for your PR to receive reviews, consider the reviewers will need you to:
- Follow the project coding conventions.
- Write good commit messages.
- Break large changes into a logical series of smaller patches which individually make easily understandable changes, and in aggregate solve a broader issue.
- Write clear and meaningful git commit messages.
- If the PR will completely fix a specific issue, include
fixes #123
in the PR body (where123
is the specific issue number the PR will fix. This will automatically close the issue when the PR is merged. - Make sure you don't include
keywords in your git commit messages. These should be included in the PR body instead. - Make sure you include a clear and detailed PR description explaining the reasons for the changes, and ensuring there is sufficient information for the reviewer to understand your PR.
To cut a release, push images to quay and publish it on GitHub
the command make release
do all this automatically, the version is at
and the description at version/description
So the step would be:
- Prepare a release calling
make prepare-(patch|minor|major)
- Edit version/description to set a description and order commits
- Create a PR to review it
- Merge it to master
- Wait for Prow to do the release.
The environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN
is needed to publish at GitHub and it must
point to a token generated by github to access projects.
There is a possibility to enable golang pprof profiler.
Enable profiler in
by changing value of 'ENABLE_PROFILER' to True -
You can change profiler port by editing 'PROFILER_PORT' - default is 6060
Deploy new code to cluster - example:
make cluster-sync
Find nmstate-handler pod name -
kubectl get pods -n nmstate
Create port forwarding to pod - example:
kubectl port-forward pod pod_name 6060:6060 -n nmstate
go tool pprof ...
to gather relevant metrics. Examples:- open in browser
- download memory graph
go tool pprof -png http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap > out.png
- open cli for cpu 30s sample data
go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30
More examples can be found here:
- open in browser
In Ubuntu 18.04 they introduced netplan for the network configuration. So to enable NetworkManager you need to follow these steps:
# 1.- - edit /etc/netplan with:
version: 2
renderer: NetworkManager
# 2.- apply the changes
netplan generate
netplan apply