Provides the basic recipes for setting up a RightScale instance.
Github Repository:
- Requires Chef 12 or higher
- Requires RightLink 10 See cookbook version 1.1.7 for RightLink 6 support
- Cookbook requirements
- Platform
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CentOS 6
- CentOS 7
Place the rs-base::default
recipe in the runlist.
- The swap file size in GB. This attribute must be an integer. Default is1
- The location of the swap file. This attribute must be a valid filename. Default is'/mnt/ephemeral/swapfile'
- List of fully qualified domain names for the array of servers that are used for updating time. Default is['', '', '']
- FQDN or IP address of a remote rsyslog server. Default isnil
- seeattributes\sysctl.rb
for defaults
All-in-one recipe to run all recipes in rs-base cookbook.
Creates a swapfile of the specified size (in GB) node['rs-base']['swap']['size']
in the
specified location node['rs-base']['swap']['file']
and enables its usage.
The swap file is added to /etc/fstab
and will persist across reboots. If the size or the
file location is invalid this recipe will fail with an error message indicating what the
failure was.
Configures ntp using servers in node['rs-base']['ntp']['servers']
Installs and configures the rsyslog service. If node['rs-base']['rsyslog_server']
is set, its value will be
used as the remote syslog server. Otherwise local machine is used.
Installs the collectd client with some of the basic plugins, syslog, interface, df, disk, memory, load, processes, users, and network.
Set's the sysctl parameters based off netflix tuning page:
Author:: RightScale, Inc. (