2.10.1 - 18-Oct-2021
- Fixes for concurrency when task executor is provided see issue #122
2.10.0 - 10-Oct-2021
- Fixes for post processor calls (post processor calls were not made)
- Fixes message move message count (by default 1000 messages are moved)
- Potential issue in rename collection
- More than one (-) sign in the dashboard
- Fixes for server context path. Rqueue end points would be served relative to x-forwarded-prefix/server.servlet.context-path
- Display completed jobs in the dashboard
- Option to choose number of days in the chart
2.9.0 - 30-Jul-2021
- Option to add rqueue web url prefix, the prefix is configured from application.properties file
, now rqueue dashboard would be served at/my-application/rquque
instead of/rqueue
, the configuration has higher priority than the HTTP request headerx-forwarded-prefix
. - Custom message converter is not working
- RedisCommandExecutionException : command arguments must be strings or integers
2.8.0 - 08-Jun-2021
- Producer mode is not honored in Message scheduler
- Message scheduler disable flag is not honored
- Aggregator should not be running in producer mode
- Listener concurrency is not reached, even though messages are in queue
- Register queue in producer mode for all listener methods
- Pause/Unpause queue from dashboard
- Pause/Unpause queue programatically
- Batch message fetching
- Default queue priority to WEIGHTED
- Added an API to update the visibility timeout of running job
2.7.0 - 13-Apr-2021
- Spring Boot App could not start due to class not found error Boot 2.0
- Utility UI message move not working due to invalid data type
- Support for Reactive Redis and Spring Webflux
- Delete message metadata when
is less than equal to zero - Delete job detail when
is less tha equal to zero
2.6.1 - 1-Mar-2021
- Graph not rendering in firefox due to unsafe csp rule
- Crash in dashboard due to Twig template, changed it to Pebble template
2.6.0 - 22-Feb-2021
Message counts api
2.5.0 - 9-Feb-2021
- Attach more than one message listeners to the same queue
2.4.0 - 3-Feb-2021
- Job Middlewares
- Delay execution of message when it's moved to enqueue instead of consuming it immediately.
2.3.0 - 2-Jan-2021
- Job checkin for long-running tasks
- Display job and failure details in UI for each message
- Allow deleting messages from normal and scheduled queues instead of only dead letter queue.
- Scan only required beans for RqueueListener annotated methods
- Redis string deserialization issue, string were inserted without quote''
- Dashboard CSP rule error for inline javascript
- Double minus sign (--) in UI
- Delete message metadata along with messages using background job
- Potential error for a periodic message, if period was longer than 24 hours
- Add retry limit exceeded messages at the front of dead letter queue instead at the back.
2.2.0 - 6-Dec-2020
- New API to enqueue periodic message. Periodic jobs are like cron jobs that would run at the certain interval.
2.1.1 - 24-Sep-2020
- More apis to enqueue unique message
2.1.0 - 16-Sep-2020
- Allow application to provide message id while enqueuing messages
- Unique message enqueue
- Api to check if message was enqueued or not
- Api to delete single message
- Proxy for outbound http connection
- Enqueue list of objects and process them, like batch-processing
- Registered queues should not be deleted when used in producer mode
2.0.4 - 2-Aug-2020
- Allow a listener to be added on dead letter queue
- Rqueue views/apis not accessible via api gateway
2.0.2 - 13-July-2020
- JDK dynamic proxy
- AoP profiler
2.0.1 - 17-May-2020
- Allow registering a queue, that can be in push only mode
- Apis to schedule task at the given time
- Refine enqueueIn apis to support Duration and TimeUnit
- Arguments mismatch due to multiple class loaders.
- Dead letter queue clear lead to clearing all the messages related to that queue.
2.0.0 - 10-May-2020
- Web interface to visualize queue
- Move message from one queue to another
- Latency visualizer
- Delete one or more message(s) from the queue
- Allow deactivating a consumer in a given environment
- Single or multiple execution of polled messages
- Queue level concurrency
- BackOff for failed messages, linear or exponential
- Group level queue priority
- Multi level queue priority
- Strict or weighted algorithm for message execution
- Queue names are prefixed, that can lead to error. 1.x users set REDIS key
. It does try to find the version using key prefix, but if all queues are empty or no key exist in REDIS with prefixrqueue-
then it will consider version 2. - Renamed annotation field
- Spring Optional Micrometer, in older version config class was importing micrometer related classes, that could lead to error if classes are not found. In this version now code depends on bean name using DependsOn annotation.
1.4.0 - 08-Apr-2020
- Allow queue level configuration of job execution time.
- Support to add Message processor for discard and dead letter queue
1.3.2 - 01-Apr-2020
- Support lower version of spring 2.1.x
1.3.1 - 27-Feb-2020
- Fixed Bootstrap issue due to optional dependencies of micrometer
1.3 - 11-Dec-2019
- Expose multiple queue metrics using micrometer. (queue-size, delay queue size, processing queue size, dead letter queue size, execution counter, failure counter)
- An api to move messages from dead letter queue to other queue. (Any source queue to target queue).
- An issue in the scheduler that's always scheduling job at the delay of 5 seconds. (this leads to messages are not copied from scheduled queue to main queue on high load)
1.2 - 03-Nov-2019
- Typo of Later to Letter
1.1 - 02-Nov-2019
- At least once message guarantee
- Reduced ZSET calls
- Lua script to make atomic operation
1.0 - 23-Oct-2019
- The basic version of Asynchronous task execution using Redis for Spring and Spring Boot