user ["User"]
app ["React app"]
info ["Info"]
commits ["Commits"]
issues ["Issues and PRs"]
languages ["Languages"]
topics ["Topics"]
data ["Data service"]
storage ["Session storage"]
octokit ["Octokit service"]
api ["GitHub API"]
user }|--|| app : "views and interacts with"
app ||--|| info : renders
app ||--|| commits : renders
app ||--|| issues : renders
app ||--|| languages : renders
app ||--|| topics : renders
info ||--|| data : "fetches data"
commits ||--|| data : "fetches data"
issues ||--|| data : "fetches data"
languages ||--|| data : "fetches data"
topics ||--|| data : "fetches data"
data ||--|| octokit : "fetches data"
data ||--|| storage : "stores data"
octokit ||--|| api : "fetches data"
Directory: src/components
The user interface is made up of various React components. The main components that display information are:
- Info
- Displays basic information about the user
- Name
- Username
- Registration date
- Location
- Displays basic information about the user
- Commits
- Displays commits made by the user as a line chart
- By month
- By year
- Displays commits made by the user as a line chart
- Issues and PRs
- Displays the share of opened and closed issues or PRs as pie charts
- Languages
- Displays the share of programming languages as a bar chart
- By repository main language
- By total number of bytes
- Displays the share of programming languages as a bar chart
- Topics
- Displays the most used topics across all repositories as a word cloud
Each component is responsible for rendering one type of information. They may be made up of smaller sub-components.
Directory: src/services
The data service formats and serves data to the components. It caches formatted data in the session storage or calls the Octokit service if no data is cached yet.
The Octokit service interacts with the GitHub API via the Octokit.js library. The sole responsibility of the Octokit service is to make API calls and pass the data back to the data service.
Directory: src/repositories
Session storage is used to store the formatted data. It uses the session storage feature of modern web browsers.
When a user (User
) loads the application (React app
) for the first time in their web browser, no data is being cached yet. This means that the data has to be fetched via the GitHub API. The component (React component
) could be any of the five main sections, they all work the same way but are used to display different types of information.
actor USER as User
box rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1) Browser
participant APP as React app
participant ELEMENT as React component
participant DATA as Data service
participant STORAGE as Session storage
participant OCTOKIT as Octokit service
box rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1) Internet
participant GITHUB as GitHub API
USER ->> APP : opens
APP ->> ELEMENT : loads
activate ELEMENT
ELEMENT ->> ELEMENT : renders skeleton loader
ELEMENT ->> DATA : requests data
activate DATA
DATA ->> STORAGE : checks for data
STORAGE -->> DATA : no data
deactivate DATA
DATA ->> OCTOKIT : requests data
activate OCTOKIT
OCTOKIT ->> GITHUB : requests data
GITHUB -->> OCTOKIT : returns data
OCTOKIT -->> DATA : returns data
deactivate OCTOKIT
activate DATA
DATA ->> DATA : formats data
DATA ->> STORAGE : stores data
DATA -->> ELEMENT : returns data
deactivate DATA
ELEMENT ->> ELEMENT : renders data
USER ->> ELEMENT : views and interacts with data
deactivate ELEMENT
After loading the application at least once, data is now being stored in the session storage. No additional requests are made via Octokit service to the GitHub API. There is also no need to format the data as the cached data is already formatted and ready to be rendered.
actor USER as User
box rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1) Browser
participant APP as React app
participant ELEMENT as React component
participant DATA as Data service
participant STORAGE as Session storage
participant OCTOKIT as Octokit service
box rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1) Internet
participant GITHUB as GitHub API
USER ->> APP : reloads
APP ->> ELEMENT : loads
activate ELEMENT
ELEMENT ->> ELEMENT : renders skeleton loader
ELEMENT ->> DATA : requests data
activate DATA
DATA ->> STORAGE : checks for data
STORAGE -->> DATA : returns cached data
DATA -->> ELEMENT : returns data
deactivate DATA
ELEMENT ->> ELEMENT : renders data
USER ->> ELEMENT : views and interacts with data
deactivate ELEMENT
Due to the rate limits imposed on their API by GitHub, it is only possible to fetch up to 1000 data points per query. Only 100 results can be fetched per page so to fetch all 1000 results, a minimum of 10 GET requests must be made.
The Issues and Pull Requests
component works this way. In the Commits
component, the same process is repeated for each month as active users are likely to have made more than 1000 commits. If data is already stored in the session storage, only one request to data service is enough. See the previous diagram.
actor USER as User
box rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1) Browser
participant APP as React app
participant ISSUES as Issues and Pull Requests
participant DATA as Data service
participant STORAGE as Session storage
participant OCTOKIT as Octokit service
box rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1) Internet
participant GITHUB as GitHub API
USER ->> APP : opens
APP ->> ISSUES : loads
activate ISSUES
ISSUES ->> ISSUES : renders skeleton loader
ISSUES ->> ISSUES : displays an orange "Fetching data" notification chip
loop Up to 10 times
ISSUES ->> DATA : requests data
activate DATA
DATA ->> STORAGE : checks for data
STORAGE -->> DATA : no data
deactivate DATA
DATA ->> OCTOKIT : requests partial data
activate OCTOKIT
OCTOKIT ->> GITHUB : requests partial data
GITHUB -->> OCTOKIT : returns partial data
OCTOKIT -->> DATA : returns partial data
deactivate OCTOKIT
activate DATA
DATA ->> DATA : formats partial data
DATA ->> STORAGE : stores and updates stored data
DATA -->> ISSUES : returns partial data
deactivate DATA
ISSUES ->> ISSUES : renders data / updates partial data
USER ->> ISSUES : views and interacts with partial data
ISSUES ->> ISSUES : displays a green "Data fetched" notification chip
USER ->> ISSUES : views and interacts with complete data
deactivate ISSUES