A variable x
is represented as a structure with the following fields:
containing a unique identifier,x.name
containing a prefered name,x.mkfree
a function injectiong the variable in the type of the variable.
The unbox
function is specified using an environment e
(internal to the
implementation), which is an association list from variable unique identifiers
to values. We will write unbox{e}(v)
to make the environment explicit.
unbox(v) = unbox{[]}(v)
unbox{e}(box v) = v
unbox{e}(apply_box f v) = (unbox{e}(f)) (unbox{e}(v))
unbox{e}(box_var x) = try List.assoc x.uid e with Not_found -> x.mkfree x
subst (unbox{e}(bind_var x f)) v = unbox{(x.uid,v)::e}(f)
unbox{e}(box_pair v1 v2) = (unbox{e}(v1), unbox{e}(v2))
unbox{e}(box_list vs) = List.map (fun v -> unbox{e}(v)) vs