A list of books and articles which I have found inspirational and influenced the way I work. Many of the books have great sections, so just because it is listed here, please do not presume that I agree and follow the intentions of any of this literature entirely: inspirational does not necessary mean it is the way I want to work; it may just give food for thought and ideas. :)
The 4 hour work week by Timothy Ferris
There's a lot of ideas in this book which aren't particularly moral and could not scale - I'm not a fan of this ... but I do like a lot the pattern of asking yourself "What's the worst that could happen" for any scary situation, and usually finding out that the worst that could happen is actually not so bad, making you free for adventure.
Delivering happiness by Tony Hsieh
I didn't like how the book indicates that success comes from endless over-time and red-bull - that's not cool... but I do love the idea of having the primary goal any customer interactions to end with a happy customer, even if it sometimes includes working outside the mandate.
Growing a business by Paul Hawken
Good down-to-earth about running a business which highlights why keeping it simple, building a quality product and being honest and helpful to your customers is the most effective advertising you can do.
The seven day weekend by Ricardo Semler
I love the idea of setting up a company to work without managers, allow maximum flexibility to employees, while providing the framework for each employee to be most engaged and committed to the success of the company.
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