College terminal program that consumes the omdb Api and returns the movies to the user, we also use a local cache with Map
The first mvp of the project has already been finalized, where it already meets all the requirements that were required by our teacher diego
- Consume the api with the rest template
- Error handling if the movie does not exist
- Application error handling in general
- Treatment of the response in a format understandable to the user.
- Implemented the local cache system that before searching the API it asks if it exists in cache, if it exists it returns what is in cache
The project is still in development and the next updates will focus on the following tasks:
The project is a maven application, where you can build or start the application for testing. To run the application, you can run the main Spring class
Here are the devs who collaborated on the project:
José Robson |
Lucas de Queiroz Calado |
Renato Augusto Bezerra |