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This module is a basic YARP wrapper for Caffe, which receives as input a stream of images (of type yarp::sig::Image), feeds them to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model and produces as output a corresponding stream of vectors (of type yarp::sig::Vector), which can be extracted from any CNN layer.



The libraries that are needed to compile this module are:

  • YARP
  • iCub
  • OpenCV
  • Caffe
  • CUDA: this is an optional dependency of Caffe and also of this module. However, we strongly recommend to rely on a powerful enough NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPU (with Compute Capability >= 3.0) in order to achieve a good frame rate.


Provided that the dependencies are satified, you can compile this module just by setting the BUILD_caffeCoder flag to ON as explained here.

When you run the ccmake command, ensure also that:

  • the Caffe_DIR flag is correctly pointing to a valid Caffe installation
  • the flag CUDA_USE_STATIC_CUDA_RUNTIME is set to OFF


This module can use arbitrary Caffe models: the only contraint is that the model must have an input data layer of kind MemoryData. However, this can be easily achieved for most models just by replacing the input data layer in the model definition file. In the following, we report istructions on how to setup the module to use either one of two well-known models, ResNet-50 and CaffeNet.

The setup procedure basically follows the Extracting Features example provided with Caffe. If you are not interested in the details, you can execute the following instructions and use one of these two models with the default module parameters. We provide a little more explanataion hereafter for those who want to try different or custom Caffe models and settings.

Download binary Caffe models (.caffemodel)

If you don't have setted it already, for convenience, set the Caffe_ROOT env variable pointing to your caffe source code directory.

For CaffeNet we can follow the instructions on caffe website:

$ cd $Caffe_ROOT
$ scripts/ models/bvlc_reference_caffenet
# for this model we need also to get the mean image of the training set of ILSVRC
$ ./data/ilsvrc12/

For ResNet-50 we can get the weights as indicated here:

$ cd $Caffe_ROOT/models
$ mkdir ResNet50
$ cd ResNet50

by downloading, in this folder, the ResNet-50-model.caffemodel file from the OneDrive link specified at the webpage.

Configure .prototxt and .ini with absolute paths

We have now to customize two files in order to use the downloaded Caffe model. These are provided for some Caffe models (the two considered here plus GoogLeNet) with the source code of the module (inside app/conf) and are:

  • a .ini file for the caffeCoder module, specifying some parameters and pointing to the Caffe model's binary and definition files
  • the .prototxt Caffe model's definition file, where we have replaced the input data layer with one of kind MemoryData

File .prototxt: configuration

Import the .prototxt files from himrep for the CaffeNet and ResNet-50 architectures in order to customize them for your system:

$ yarp-config context --import himrep bvlc_reference_caffenet_val.prototxt
$ yarp-config context --import himrep resnet_val.prototxt

For CaffeNet we need to do:

$ cd ~/.local/share/yarp/contexts/himrep
$ gedit bvlc_reference_caffenet_val.prototxt

At line 10, replace the following:

mean_file: "/path/to/train_mean.binaryproto"

with the correct absolute path to this file on your system (without using env variables). This is the binary file containing the mean image of the training set of ILSVRC we just downloaded. In this case this is:

mean_file: "$Caffe_ROOT/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"

where you must replace the $Caffe_ROOT env variable with its full value.

For ResNet-50 we do not need to modify anything.

File .ini: configuration

Import the .ini files from himrep for the CaffeNet and ResNet-50 in order to customize them on your system:

# CaffeNet
$ yarp-config context --import himrep caffeCoder_caffenet.ini
$ yarp-config context --import himrep caffeCoder_resnet.ini

For each of them we must set the following variables to the correct paths: caffemodel_file and prototxt_file.

For CaffeNet do:

$ cd ~/.local/share/yarp/contexts/himrep
$ gedit caffeCoder_caffenet.ini

And then set:

caffemodel_file $Caffe_ROOT/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel
prototxt_file ~/.local/share/yarp/contexts/himrep/bvlc_reference_caffenet_val.prototxt

replacing the $Caffe_ROOT env variable and ~/ with their full values.

For ResNet-50 do:

gedit caffeCoder_resnet.ini

And then set:

caffemodel_file $Caffe_ROOT/models/ResNet50/ResNet-50-model.caffemodel
prototxt_file ~/.local/share/yarp/contexts/himrep/resnet_val.prototxt

replacing the $Caffe_ROOT env variable and ~/ with their full values.

For other parameters and input and output ports we refer to the module documentation here.

Detailed explanation

In Caffe, the weights of network models are stored in a .caffemodel file, whose absolute path must be provided to the caffeCoder in the caffemodel_file parameter. The network definition file to be used in inference mode instead is usually called deploy.prototxt and must be provided to the caffeCoder in the prototxt_file parameter.

In Caffe's Model Zoo there are many models available with related descriptions and usage instructions. You can use them with caffeCoder, by copying their deploy.prototxt and replacing their input layer with a corresponding MemoryData layer.

In order to correctly use a network in inference mode, the mean image (or pixel) of the training set that has been used to learn the model parameters must be subtracted from any image that is fed to the model. The mean image is usully stored in Caffe with a .binaryproto file. You will to specify this in the MemoryData layer and:

  • if the mean image is subtracted, the .binaryproto file must be downloaded and correctly pointed by the .prototxt in your system (mean_file field of the MemoryData layer);
  • if the mean pixel is subtracted, you will need to specify, in the .ini file, two additional parameters (as, e.g., we do in caffeCoder_googlenet.ini) related to the width and height (resizeWidth and resizeHeight) to which the input image will be resized before being fed to the MemoryData layer.

Another important parameter to be set in the .ini file is the tag/name of the output of the layer we want to read. This can be specified by setting the blob_name parameter.

Additional notes on Caffe installation

For a complete and continuously updated guide to how to install Caffe in any configuration you should go to Caffe - Installation. We do not cover here exhaustively the procedure. We just report the procedure we followed at present (07/2017) to use Caffe from this module on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

CUDA installation

Download and install CUDA drivers and toolkit by following CUDA Installation Guide for Linux.

cuDNN installation (optional but recommended)

Download the cuDNN version you need (depending on the toolkit version) from NVIDIA cuDNN library (you have to sign up as CUDA Registered Developer, it's for free), and install it by following the instructions.

BLAS installation

We chose the OpenBLAS implementation but also ATLAS or Intel MKL are supported by Caffe. You can either download the source code from OpenBLAS page and follow instructions to compile and install it, or install the package. In the latter case, you can just do:

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev

In case you compile the source code, we recommend to install in a separate and specified location of your choice instead of the default /usr/local by doing:

tar -xzvf <downloaded-openblas-archive-name>.tar.gz
cd <downloaded-openblas-archive-name>
make PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir install

and setting the OpenBLAS_HOME environment variable to the installation path to allow Caffe finding it.

BOOST installation

As for BLAS, you can either download the source code from Boost C++ Libraries and follow instructions to compile and install it, or install the package. In any case, check the supported versions on Caffe website. For convenience, again we report the followed instructions (that can be found on Boost page) to compile from source:

tar --bzip2 -xf <downloaded-boost-archive>.tar.bz2
cd <downloaded-boost-archive>
./ --prefix=path/to/install/dir
./b2 install

and set the Boost_DIR environment variable to the installation path to allow Caffe finding it, or to download the package:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
OpenCV installation

OpenCV comes with the icub-common package. In case you need to compile it from source, you can download the source code from OpenCV - Downloads and compile it through the usual:

unzip <downloaded-opencv-archive-name>.zip
cd <downloaded-opencv-archive-name>
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ../
make install

Where in the CMake configuration you should have set the installation path (CMAKE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX) to one of your choice. In this case, set the OpenCV_DIR environment variable to the installation path to allow Caffe finding it.

Other packages

Refer to Caffe - Ubuntu Installation for updated instructions or manual installation. On Ubunutu 16.04 LTS at the time being we have done:

Google Protobuf Buffers C++:
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler

Google Logging:
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev

Google Flags:
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev

sudo apt-get install libleveldb-dev

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev

sudo apt-get install liblmdb-dev

sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev

Caffe compilation

Since Caffe is under active development, we try to be compatible with the changes progressively introduced in the framework and periodically check the compatibility of caffeCoder against its master branch. Therefore you can refer to it and clone it:

git clone

Note that at present Caffe RC3 is not compatible anymore with caffeCoder.

In order to be able to link Caffe from an external project via CMake (as this application does) you should compile Caffe via CMake and not manually editing the Makefile.config.

Related instructions can be found at Caffe - Installation or here. Generally you can do:

cd caffe
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ../ (NOTE *)
make all
make runtest
make install

NOTE In the configuration step:

  • you should be able to link to all installed dependencies, if you have set correctly the environment variables

  • set BLAS to open or Open if you installed OpenBLAS as we did: if you still see that the Atlas implementation is not found, this might be an issue with Caffe: in any case, if you check by toggling the advanced mode, you should see that OpenBLAS has been found in your installation directory

  • there is no need to build the Matlab wrapper for Caffe

  • use the cuDNN library if possible (set USE_CUDNN to ON)

  • important if you are on Ubuntu 16.04 and use GCC 5.3 with CUDA 7.5: as noted here, in this case you need to modify the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMake variable by appending to it the -D_FORCE_INLINES flag. You can do it during the interactive configuration step with ccmake or by modifying the following line in the CMakeLists.txt:


Finally, set the Caffe_DIR environment variable to the installation path to allow finding Caffe via find_package.


This module has been presented and benchmarked in the iCub scenario in the following paper:

Teaching iCub to recognize objects using deep Convolutional Neural Networks Giulia Pasquale, Carlo Ciliberto, Francesca Odone, Lorenzo Rosasco and Lorenzo Natale, Proceedings of The 4th Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems, pp. 21–25, 2015

author  = {Giulia Pasquale and Carlo Ciliberto and Francesca Odone and Lorenzo Rosasco and Lorenzo Natale},
title   = {Teaching iCub to recognize objects using deep Convolutional Neural Networks},
journal = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems, 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning},
year    = {2015},
volume  = {43},
pages   = {21--25},
url     = {}


Material included here is Copyright of iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and is released under the terms of the GPL v2.0 or later. See the file LICENSE for details.