is the source code of meta-rstools.
is a Layer for the Yocto project to add a simple way for fully accessing the FPGA Manager of the Intel (ALTERA) Arria 10 SoC-FPGA (SoCFPGA).
With a single command it is possible to change FPGA configuration or to read and write the ARM AXI-Bridge to the FPGA fabric. The layer is a part of rsYocto.
Note: The Writing FPGA Fabric Feature is under development!
The layer adds following features to the final Linux command set:
- FPGA Status
- Reading the Status of the FPGA fabric
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to read current Status mode of the FPGA fabric FPGA-status read the status with detailed output FPGA-status -d POWER UP: 0 RESET: 1 CONFIG: 2 INIT: 3 USER: 4 UNKNOWN: 5
- FPGA Configuration Mode / MSEL
- Reading the Configuration mode of the FPGA (selected with the MSEL-Bit Switch)
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to read the selected FPGA configuration mode. This is set with the MSEL-Switch. FPGA-readMSEL read MSEL with detailed output FPGA-readMSEL -d read MSEL as decimal value
- Reading the Configuration mode of the FPGA (selected with the MSEL-Bit Switch)
- FPGA Status
FPGA Fabric Reset
- Resetting the FPGA fabric (remove the running configuration)
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to reset the FPGA fabic A reset clears the current configuration of the FPGA fabric After a reset is the FPGA in the RESET Mode FPGA-resetFabric -r reset the FPGA with detailed output FPGA-status -d read the status as decimal value 0 => ERROR: Resting of the FPGA failed! 1 => Success: FPGA config is deleted
- Resetting the FPGA fabric (remove the running configuration)
Write FPGA Configuration
- Writing a new FPGA configuration
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to change the FPGA fabric configuration for Cyclone V use following RBF (.rbf) Config File Setings MSEL=00100: PP16 with no AES and no Data compression MSEL=00101: PP16 with AES and no Data compression FPGA-writeConfig -f [config rbf file path] {-b [optinal]} change the FPGA config with a selected .rbf file FPGA-writeConfig -r {-b [optinal]} restore to the boot up FPGA configuration this Conf File is located: /usr/rsyocto/running_bootloader_fpgaconfig.rbf suffix: -b -> only decimal result output Error: 0 Succses:1
- Required MSEL-Bit Switch Selection to allow Linux to change the FPGA configuration:
MSEL= 00100
: Passive parallel x16 with no AES and Data compressionMSEL= 00101
: Passive parallel x16 with AES and Data compression
- Writing a new FPGA configuration
AVALON/AXI Bridge Read
- Reading a Address (32 Bit register) of the HPS-to-FPGA- or Lightweight-HPS-to-FPGA Bridge interface
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
read a register on the Lightweight HPS-FPGA Brige e.g.: FPGA-readBridge -lw 0a FPGA-readBridge -hf [offset module address hex] read a register on the HPS to FPGA AXI Bridge e.g.: FPGA-readBridge -lw 0a suffix: -b -> only decimal result output
- Reading a Address (32 Bit register) of the HPS-to-FPGA- or Lightweight-HPS-to-FPGA Bridge interface
AVALON/AXI Bridge Write
- Writing a 32 Bit Value to the HPS-to-FPGA- or Lightweight-HPS-to-FPGA Bridge interface
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command write to address of a HPS-FPGA Bridge address FPGA-readBridge -lw [offset module address hex] read the register on the Lightweight HPS-FPGA Brige e.g.: FPGA-writeBridge -lw 0a FPGA-writeBridge -hf [offset module address hex] [value dec] write to the HPS to FPGA AXI Bridge Interface with a dec values e.g.: FPGA-writeBridge -hf 0a 255 FPGA-writeBridge -hf [offset module address hex] -h [value hex] write to the HPS to FPGA AXI Bridge Interface with a hex values e.g.: FPGA-writeBridge -hf 0a -h ff FPGA-writeBridge -hf [offset module address hex] -b [Bit pos] [value] Set or Reset a Bit on HPS to FPGA AXI Bridge register e.g.: FPGA-writeBridge -hf 0a -b 8 0 suffix: -b -> only decimal result output Error: 0 Succses:1
- Writing a 32 Bit Value to the HPS-to-FPGA- or Lightweight-HPS-to-FPGA Bridge interface
GPI Register Read
- Reading the 32 Bit direct access Register (written by the FPGA)
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to read general-purpose input signals (gpi) from the FPGA fabric. The FPGA can set the 32 Bit gpi (input) register FPGA-gpiRead read gpi with detailed output FPGA-gpiRead -d read gpi as decimal value
- Reading the 32 Bit direct access Register (written by the FPGA)
GPO Register Write
- Writing the 32 Bit direct access Register to the FPGA
- Help- and Info- Output with the suffix
Command to write the general-purpose output signals (gpo) to the FPGA fabric The HPS get write a 32 Bit register to the FPGA FPGA-gpoWrite -h [uint] writing the whole 32 Bit gpo as HEX e.g.: FPGA-gpoWrite -h ffffffff FPGA-gpoWrite -d [uint] writing the whole 32 Bit gpo as DEC e.g.: FPGA-gpoWrite -d 12345 FPGA-gpoWrite -b [bit pos] [value] writing a specific Bit position e.g.: FPGA-gpoWrite -b 16 1 (to set the Bit 16 of the gpo Regiser)
- Writing the 32 Bit direct access Register to the FPGA
For more informations and examples about the usage of these commands please follow the rsYocto documentation.
The Code was writen with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with Linux Development for C++ and as target rsYocto used. For informations how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 for embedded Linux development please follow the rsYocto documentation.
- rsyocto; Robin Sebastian,M.Sc. (LinkedIn)
rstoolsA10 and rsyocto are a self-developed projects in which no other companies are involved. It is specifically designed to serve students and the Linux/FPGA open-source community with its publication on GitHub and its open-source MIT license. In the future, rsyocto will retain its open-source status and it will be further developed.
Due to the enthusiasm of commercial users, special features for industrial, scientific and automotive applications were developed and ready for the implementation in a highly optimazed closed commercial version. Partnerships as an embedded SoC-FPGA design service to fulfil these specific commercial requirements are offered. It should help, besides students with the rsyocto open-source version, commercial users, as well.
For commercial users, please visit the rsyocto embedded service provider website: