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What's New In Javascript?

Wes Bos, February 7, 2018, 2:30pm EST


Wes makes JS courses - on React, Node, Grid; he has a podcast at

We'll focus on parts of the core JS language and a few new DOM items.


A promise is an IOU for something that will happen in the future. A promise kicks off the process and then moves along. Why do we do this?

Javascript waits for no one. Almost everything in JS is asynchronous.

  • Make coffee
  • Drink coffee
  • Make breakfast
  • Eat breakfast

Do these have to be completed in sequence?

const coffeePromise = makeCoffee();

coffeePromise.then(coffee => {

Most new browser APIs are built on promises or observables.

  • fetch() (.then .then)
  • axios.get()

Promises solve Christmas tree code / callback hell. So they're great, right? Well, .then is still a sort of callback; this is where async / await comes in.

async + await

This is basically a new syntax around promises.

async function animate() {
    await moveTo(50,50);
    await moveTo(50,50);
    await moveTo(50,50);
    await moveTo(50,50);

async function go() {
    await sleep(1000);
    const response = await sleep(750);

[More complex example of promises allowing simultaneous execution with await]

Intersection Observer

This helps us to know when an element is on the screen. (Animate elements in 'on scroll', play video on 'scroll in', lazy-load only when scrolled, record views for ads beyond the fold, use with sticky headers)

  1. Set up some options
const options = {
    root: document.querySelector('.scrollingDiv'),
    rootMargin: '100px',
    threshold: []
  1. Create an empty observer
  2. Give it a callback
  3. Observe (boxes.foreach(box => observer.observe(box));

Payment Request API

Every single online store needs to reinvent the checkout form. This API is a standardized platform for collecting billing and shipping information from your users.

Does the browser charge your card? No! Is it secure? Sure :)

It's a glorified autofill.


This is not new. But Safari didn't care. But in 2017, with iOS11, we got it. Along with 'playsinline'. getUserMedia() is promise-based (callbacks).

Resize Observer

Like intersection observer, reports back when element sizes change. And this is the gateway drug to Element Queries.


async + await is available via Babel right now; resize observer is polyfillable but expensive.

Intersection observer has an official polyfilled.

The web payment API is easily polyfillable, and you can fallback to a checkout form.

getUserMedia has already been around for a long time.

Have fun!