{% hint style="warning" %} The following document assumes that you understand the basics of connecting to databases on Appsmith. If not, please go over them before reading further. {% endhint %}
Appsmith needs the following parameters for connecting to a Redshift database:
{% hint style="success" %} All required fields are suffixed with an asterisk (*). {% endhint %}
You need to fill in the following parameters:
- Connection Mode*: You must choose one of the following two modes:
- Read Only: Choosing this mode gives Appsmith read-only permission on the database. This allows you to only fetch data from the database.
- Read / Write: Choosing this mode gives Appsmith both read and write permissions on the database. This allows you to execute all CRUD queries.
- Host Address / Port*: Fill in the database host’s address and port. If you don’t specify a port, Appsmith will try to connect to port 5439.
- Database Name*: Fill in the name of the database that you want to connect to. This is your database’s name.
You need to fill in the following parameters:
- Username*: Fill username required for authenticating connection requests to your database.
- Password*: Fill password required for authenticating connection requests for the given username to the database.
You need to fill in the following parameters:
- SSL Mode: Choose your SSL model from the dropdown.
- Key File: Upload your SSL key file from here.
- Certificate: Upload your SSL certificate here.
- CA Certificate: Upload your CA certificate here.
- PEM Certificate: Upload your PEM certificate here.
- PEM Passphrase: Fill in your PEM passphrase here.
Redshift databases can be queried using the standard SQL syntax. All Redshift queries return an array of objects where each object is a row returned by the query and each property in the object is a column. Appsmith provides template queries to help with the syntax
Once you have successfully run a Query, you can use it in your application to