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rombert edited this page Nov 27, 2011 · 20 revisions

ReviewBoard connector for Mylyn

This is a fork of the original connector created by Markus Knittig.



Query editor

The connector allows for queries to be created by using a custom query page.


Task list integration

Reviews matching the queries populate the task list.

Rich task editor

The rich task editor maps all of ReviewBoard's attributes, but editing is not yet possible.


Diffs are mapped as patches, and screenshots are available as attachments. Patches may be applied from to the workspace.

Diff changes

The files contained in the each diff are presented in the task editor, together with their base revision.

[Subclipse, EGit, CVS] Files are opened in a compare editor which previews the changes as they were submitted for review. Diff comments are displayed as review annotations for each of the files and the full text will appear on hover.


New diffs are recorded as comments when they occur, and so are reviews. The number of inline comments is noted, as well as the general top and bottom comments and the 'Ship it' flag.


Review requests may be closed, reopened or give a quick Ship It! review, depending on the current status.

SCM integrations

The plugin currently integrates with Subclipse, EGit and CVS. Please see the SCM Integrations page for details.


Please visit the issue list where the current tasks are listed. Raise new tasks or vote on existing ones to help prioritise development.

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