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🐛 The vscode extension lsp crashes all the time #3844

1 task done
bazo opened this issue Nov 24, 2022 · 5 comments
1 task done

🐛 The vscode extension lsp crashes all the time #3844

bazo opened this issue Nov 24, 2022 · 5 comments
S-Needs info Status: the issue needs more info in order to be triaged


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bazo commented Nov 24, 2022

Environment information

  Version:              10.0.1
  Color support:        true

  CPU Architecture:     aarch64
  OS:                   macos

  ROME_LOG_DIR:         unset
  NO_COLOR:             unset
  TERM:                 "xterm-256color"

Rome Configuration:
  Status:               loaded
  Formatter disabled:   false
  Linter disabled:      false

  Open Documents:       0

Discovering running Rome servers...

Running Rome Server: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

i The client isn't connected to any server but rage discovered this running Rome server.

  Version:              10.0.1
  Name:                 rome_lsp
  CPU Architecture:     aarch64
  OS:                   macos

  Open Documents:       0

Other Active Server Workspaces:

  Open Documents:       5
  Client Name:          Visual Studio Code
  Client Version:       1.73.1

Rome Server Log:

! Please review the content of the log file before sharing it publicly as it may contain sensitive information:
  * Path names that may reveal your name, a project name, or the name of your employer.
  * Source code

├─┐rome_lsp::handlers::formatting::format{params=DocumentFormattingParams { text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url { scheme: "file", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: None, port: None, path: "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts", query: None, fragment: None } }, options: FormattingOptions { tab_size: 4, insert_spaces: false, properties: {}, trim_trailing_whitespace: None, insert_final_newline: None, trim_final_newlines: None }, work_done_progress_params: WorkDoneProgressParams { work_done_token: None } }}
│ ├─0ms DEBUG rome_lsp::handlers::formatting Formatting...
│ ├─┐rome_service::file_handlers::javascript::format{rome_path=RomePath { path: "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts", id: FileId(3) }, settings=SettingsHandle { inner: WorkspaceSettings { formatter: FormatSettings { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Some(Tab), line_width: Some(LineWidth(100)), ignored_files: Matcher { patterns: [Pattern { original: "*.js", tokens: [AnySequence, Char('.'), Char('j'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".yarn", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('y'), Char('a'), Char('r'), Char('n')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".husky", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('h'), Char('u'), Char('s'), Char('k'), Char('y')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "pnp", tokens: [Char('p'), Char('n'), Char('p')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/admin/.next", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('d'), Char('m'), Char('i'), Char('n'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('n'), Char('e'), Char('x'), Char('t')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/.cache", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('c'), Char('a'), Char('c'), Char('h'), Char('e')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/public/build", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('p'), Char('u'), Char('b'), Char('l'), Char('i'), Char('c'), Char('/'), Char('b'), Char('u'), Char('i'), Char('l'), Char('d')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "node_modules", tokens: [Char('n'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('e'), Char('_'), Char('m'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('u'), Char('l'), Char('e'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }], options: MatchOptions { case_sensitive: true, require_literal_separator: false, require_literal_leading_dot: false }, already_ignored: RwLock { data: {"monorepo/apps/api/src/types/index.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts": false}, poisoned: false, .. } } }, linter: LinterSettings { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignored_files: Matcher { patterns: [Pattern { original: "*.js", tokens: [AnySequence, Char('.'), Char('j'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".yarn", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('y'), Char('a'), Char('r'), Char('n')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".husky", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('h'), Char('u'), Char('s'), Char('k'), Char('y')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "pnp", tokens: [Char('p'), Char('n'), Char('p')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "apps/admin/.next", tokens: [Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('d'), Char('m'), Char('i'), Char('n'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('n'), Char('e'), Char('x'), Char('t')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/.cache", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('c'), Char('a'), Char('c'), Char('h'), Char('e')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/public/build", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('p'), Char('u'), Char('b'), Char('l'), Char('i'), Char('c'), Char('/'), Char('b'), Char('u'), Char('i'), Char('l'), Char('d')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "node_modules", tokens: [Char('n'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('e'), Char('_'), Char('m'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('u'), Char('l'), Char('e'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }], options: MatchOptions { case_sensitive: true, require_literal_separator: false, require_literal_leading_dot: false }, already_ignored: RwLock { data: {"monorepo/apps/web/libs/initAuth.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/auth/login.tsx": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/cldr/plurals.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/api/src/db/index.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/api/src/api/cldr.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/libs/http.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/login.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/cldr/langs.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/api/src/api/createAccount.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/api/src/types/index.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/auth/signin.tsx": false, "monorepo/apps/web/types/index.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/admin/libs/index.ts": false}, poisoned: false, .. } } }, languages: LanguagesSettings { javascript: LanguageSettings { format: JsFormatSettings { quote_style: None, quote_properties: None, trailing_comma: None }, linter: JsLinterSettings { globals: [] }, globals: None } }, files: FilesSettings { max_size: 1048576 } } }}
│ │ ├─0ms DEBUG rome_service::file_handlers::javascript Format with the following options: 
│ │ │ Indent style: Tab
│ │ │ Line width: 100
│ │ │ Quote style: Double Quotes
│ │ │ Quote properties: As needed
│ │ │ Trailing comma: All
│ │ │ 
│ │ ├─┐rome_formatter::printer::Printer::print{}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─80146051ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─80219482ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─80233321ms INFO tower_lsp::service::layers shutdown request received, shutting down
├─80233341ms INFO tower_lsp::service::layers exit notification received, stopping
├─80233364ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─80235642ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─80235674ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─80235771ms INFO rome_lsp::server Attempting to load the configuration from 'rome.json' file
├─80235771ms INFO rome_service::configuration Attempting to load the configuration file at path "monorepo/rome.json"
├─80235772ms INFO rome_lsp::session Configuration found, and it is valid!
│ ├─┐rome_service::workspace::server::update_settings{params=UpdateSettingsParams { configuration: Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None } }}
│ │ ├─┐rome_service::settings::merge_with_configuration{configuration=Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None }}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─80236622ms WARN tower_lsp::service::pending client asked to cancel request 2, but no such pending request exists, ignoring
├─80249690ms WARN tower_lsp::service::pending client asked to cancel request 6, but no such pending request exists, ignoring
├─80852113ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─┐rome_lsp::handlers::formatting::format{params=DocumentFormattingParams { text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url { scheme: "file", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: None, port: None, path: "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts", query: None, fragment: None } }, options: FormattingOptions { tab_size: 4, insert_spaces: false, properties: {}, trim_trailing_whitespace: None, insert_final_newline: None, trim_final_newlines: None }, work_done_progress_params: WorkDoneProgressParams { work_done_token: None } }}
│ ├─0ms DEBUG rome_lsp::handlers::formatting Formatting...
│ ├─┐rome_service::file_handlers::javascript::format{rome_path=RomePath { path: "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts", id: FileId(0) }, settings=SettingsHandle { inner: WorkspaceSettings { formatter: FormatSettings { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Some(Tab), line_width: Some(LineWidth(100)), ignored_files: Matcher { patterns: [Pattern { original: "*.js", tokens: [AnySequence, Char('.'), Char('j'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".yarn", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('y'), Char('a'), Char('r'), Char('n')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".husky", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('h'), Char('u'), Char('s'), Char('k'), Char('y')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "pnp", tokens: [Char('p'), Char('n'), Char('p')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/admin/.next", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('d'), Char('m'), Char('i'), Char('n'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('n'), Char('e'), Char('x'), Char('t')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/.cache", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('c'), Char('a'), Char('c'), Char('h'), Char('e')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/public/build", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('p'), Char('u'), Char('b'), Char('l'), Char('i'), Char('c'), Char('/'), Char('b'), Char('u'), Char('i'), Char('l'), Char('d')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "node_modules", tokens: [Char('n'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('e'), Char('_'), Char('m'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('u'), Char('l'), Char('e'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }], options: MatchOptions { case_sensitive: true, require_literal_separator: false, require_literal_leading_dot: false }, already_ignored: RwLock { data: {"monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts": false}, poisoned: false, .. } } }, linter: LinterSettings { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignored_files: Matcher { patterns: [Pattern { original: "*.js", tokens: [AnySequence, Char('.'), Char('j'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".yarn", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('y'), Char('a'), Char('r'), Char('n')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: ".husky", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('h'), Char('u'), Char('s'), Char('k'), Char('y')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "pnp", tokens: [Char('p'), Char('n'), Char('p')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "apps/admin/.next", tokens: [Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('d'), Char('m'), Char('i'), Char('n'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('n'), Char('e'), Char('x'), Char('t')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/.cache", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('.'), Char('c'), Char('a'), Char('c'), Char('h'), Char('e')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "./apps/app/public/build", tokens: [Char('.'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('s'), Char('/'), Char('a'), Char('p'), Char('p'), Char('/'), Char('p'), Char('u'), Char('b'), Char('l'), Char('i'), Char('c'), Char('/'), Char('b'), Char('u'), Char('i'), Char('l'), Char('d')], is_recursive: false }, Pattern { original: "node_modules", tokens: [Char('n'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('e'), Char('_'), Char('m'), Char('o'), Char('d'), Char('u'), Char('l'), Char('e'), Char('s')], is_recursive: false }], options: MatchOptions { case_sensitive: true, require_literal_separator: false, require_literal_leading_dot: false }, already_ignored: RwLock { data: {"monorepo/packages/database/client/index.d.ts": false, "monorepo/apps/web/pages/api/accounts.ts": false}, poisoned: false, .. } } }, languages: LanguagesSettings { javascript: LanguageSettings { format: JsFormatSettings { quote_style: None, quote_properties: None, trailing_comma: None }, linter: JsLinterSettings { globals: [] }, globals: None } }, files: FilesSettings { max_size: 1048576 } } }}
│ │ ├─0ms DEBUG rome_service::file_handlers::javascript Format with the following options: 
│ │ │ Indent style: Tab
│ │ │ Line width: 100
│ │ │ Quote style: Double Quotes
│ │ │ Quote properties: As needed
│ │ │ Trailing comma: All
│ │ │ 
│ │ ├─┐rome_formatter::printer::Printer::print{}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─80945313ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─81005542ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─81150596ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─81155811ms WARN tower_lsp Got a textDocument/didSave notification, but it is not implemented
├─81314047ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─81314054ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─81314054ms INFO rome_lsp::server Attempting to load the configuration from 'rome.json' file
├─81314055ms INFO rome_service::configuration Attempting to load the configuration file at path "monorepo/rome.json"
├─81314055ms INFO rome_lsp::session Configuration found, and it is valid!
│ ├─┐rome_service::workspace::server::update_settings{params=UpdateSettingsParams { configuration: Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None } }}
│ │ ├─┐rome_service::settings::merge_with_configuration{configuration=Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None }}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─81314064ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─81314065ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─81314065ms INFO rome_lsp::server Attempting to load the configuration from 'rome.json' file
├─81314065ms INFO rome_service::configuration Attempting to load the configuration file at path "monorepo/rome.json"
├─81314065ms INFO rome_lsp::session Configuration found, and it is valid!
│ ├─┐rome_service::workspace::server::update_settings{params=UpdateSettingsParams { configuration: Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None } }}
│ │ ├─┐rome_service::settings::merge_with_configuration{configuration=Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None }}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─81314075ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─81314076ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─81314076ms INFO rome_lsp::server Attempting to load the configuration from 'rome.json' file
├─81314076ms INFO rome_service::configuration Attempting to load the configuration file at path "monorepo/rome.json"
├─81314076ms INFO rome_lsp::session Configuration found, and it is valid!
│ ├─┐rome_service::workspace::server::update_settings{params=UpdateSettingsParams { configuration: Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None } }}
│ │ ├─┐rome_service::settings::merge_with_configuration{configuration=Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None }}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─81314089ms ERROR tower_lsp::transport failed to encode message: failed to encode response: Socket is not connected (os error 57)
├─81314090ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─81314090ms INFO rome_lsp::server Attempting to load the configuration from 'rome.json' file
├─81314090ms INFO rome_service::configuration Attempting to load the configuration file at path "monorepo/rome.json"
├─81314090ms INFO rome_lsp::session Configuration found, and it is valid!
│ ├─┐rome_service::workspace::server::update_settings{params=UpdateSettingsParams { configuration: Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None } }}
│ │ ├─┐rome_service::settings::merge_with_configuration{configuration=Configuration { files: None, formatter: Some(FormatterConfiguration { enabled: true, format_with_errors: false, indent_style: Tab, indent_size: 4, line_width: LineWidth(100), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "./apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), linter: Some(LinterConfiguration { enabled: true, rules: Some(Rules { recommended: Some(true), a11y: Some(A11y { recommended: Some(false), rules: {} }), complexity: Some(Complexity { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), correctness: Some(Correctness { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), nursery: Some(Nursery { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }), security: Some(Security { recommended: Some(true), rules: {"noDangerouslySetInnerHtml": Plain(Warn)} }), style: Some(Style { recommended: Some(true), rules: {} }) }), ignore: Some({"*.js", ".yarn", ".husky", "pnp", "apps/admin/.next", "./apps/app/.cache", "./apps/app/public/build", "node_modules"}) }), javascript: None }}
│ │ ├─┘
│ ├─┘
├─81417534ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...
├─81457027ms INFO rome_lsp::server Starting Rome Language Server...

What happened?

code like usual
have some invalid code, like some parts commented, or copy paste from somewhere with missing braces etc
vscode will show notification that the language server crashed 5 times in 3 minutes
this happens continuously
edit: happens consistently when braces are wrong, after deleting closing brace in if, the server immediately crashes

Expected result

no crashes
after code is corrected formatting should work as usual

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow Rome's Code of Conduct
@bazo bazo added the S-To triage Status: user report of a possible bug that needs to be triaged label Nov 24, 2022
@bazo bazo changed the title 🐛 <TITLE> The vscode extension lsp crashes all the time 🐛 The vscode extension lsp crashes all the time Nov 24, 2022
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It seems that the logs don't give enough information, unfortunately. Any chance that you can share the code that you think triggers the issue? A reproduction repository would be excellent!

@ematipico ematipico added S-Needs info Status: the issue needs more info in order to be triaged and removed S-To triage Status: user report of a possible bug that needs to be triaged labels Nov 24, 2022
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This may be fixed by #3740 (at least, the LSP shouldn't crash and instead print a message to the log)

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@bazo We released a new preview of Rome today. Can you try it and let us know if you're still experiencing the problem?

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👋 @rome/staff please triage this issue by adding one of the following labels: S-Bug: confirmed, S-Planned , S-Wishlist or umbrella

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I am going to close this, assuming that it's been fixed. I suggest opening a new issue for people who arrive here and experience the same issue.

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S-Needs info Status: the issue needs more info in order to be triaged
None yet

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3 participants