Releases: ronnyerrmann/HiFLEx
HiFLEx pipeline
Improvement of blaze correction and noise calculation to avoid massive brightness peaks at boundaries of the orders.
Improvement in the way the pixel-shift is calculated from the calibration lines.
Improvement of code to speed up data reduction and extraction.
Added parameter minimum_SNR to allow the user to ignore extracted data below a certain signal-to-noise ratio.
Added parameter traces_searchlimit_brightness to allow user defined search for orders.
Added parameter log_wavesolshift_details to allow the skipping of time consuming logging.
HiFLEx pipeline
Parallelisation of long running steps
Improvement of linearisation of the wavelength solution
HiFLEx pipeline
Improved measurement of the offset between wavelength solutions between fibers in a bifurcated setting; bugfixed so that wavelength solution in the science fiber is used for science spectrum
General improvements and bugfixing
HiFLEx pipeline
Cosmic ray removal using deepCR implemented
HiFLEx pipeline
Python 3 ready (Pipeline will also keep working under Python 2, for RV analysis with SERVAL and CERES pipeline will switch to Python 2).
Blaze correction with a fitted function (polynomial of user defined order).
Extra logging information for Wavelength solution and emission lines
HiFLEx pipeline
Improved measurement of the offset between emission line spectra and the wavelength solution
HiFLEx pipeline
Tested and improved version of HiFLEx pipeline
HiFLEx pipeline, working version
A further GUI was improved and added to the pipeline
The Manual was updated accordingly
HiFLEx pipeline, working version
This release contains further bugfixing
GUIs were improved and added to the pipeline
The Manual was updated correctly
HiFLEx pipeline - don't not use, not all files have been updated
This release contains further bugfixing
GUIs were improved and added to the pipeline
Results from the pipeline steps are stored in the fits header of the extracted files