NOTE: This is a preview release. There are various limitations and we're still working on feature completeness. We will respond to opened issues promptly during business hours. Caveats can be found at the bottom of this readme file.
To get started using the library, you will need to choose between a docker install or a local install.
Stuff goes here
- Node 7
- npm install akamaiconfigkit
- Ensure that the 'bin' subdirectory is in your path
In order to use this configuration, you need to:
- Set up your credential files as described in the authorization and credentials sections of the Get Started pagegetting started guide on developer.akamai.comthe developer portal. When working through this process you need to give grants for the property manager API and the User Admin API (if you will want to move properties). The section in your configuration file should be called 'papi'.
The Akamai Config Kit is a set of nodejs libraries that wraps Akamai's {OPEN} APIs to help simplify common configuration tasks.
This kit can be used in different ways:
- As a no-fuss command line utility to interact with the library.
- As a library you can integrate into your own Node.js application.
- As a gulp integration to integrate with your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment toolset.
The initial version of the ConfigKit provides the following functionality:
- Create a new version from locally stored rules
- Copy a configuration between properties
- Currently does not support advanced metadata
- Create or clone a new property
- Accepts cpcode, contract ID and hostnames
- Delete a property
- Activate and deactivate property versions to production, staging or both
This script wraps all of the functionality from the library into a command line utility which can be used to support the following use cases. All of the functions accept a property ID, the config name or a hostname from the property.
Creating a new property requires only a single parameter, the target property.
% akamaiProperty create << New property from scratch
% akamaiProperty create dev7 --clone template1 --hostnames << clone from another property
The flags of interest for create are:
-h, --help output usage information
--clone <property> Source property to clone from
--srcver <version> Version for source property stag/prod/latest/<number> (default is latest)
--file <file> Source file for new property rules
--hostnames <hostnames> Comma delimited list of hostnames for property
--origin <origin> Origin for new property
--edgehostname <ehn> Edge hostname
--cpcode <cpcode> CPCode, requires contract and group
--contract <contract> Contract for the new property
--group <group> Group to place property in
--section <section> Section of the credentials file
--nocopy Do not copy source property's hostnames
This function retrieves the specified ruleset, either to STDOUT or the file specified by the --file flag
% akamaiProperty retrieve
The flags of interest for retrieve are:
-h, --help output usage information
--file <file> Output file (default is STDOUT)
--propver <version> Property version, latest/staging/prod or number
--section <section> Section of the credentials file
Update the current property version with the rules from a local file, or copy from another property.
% akamaiProperty update --srcprop
% akamaiProperty update --file myrules.json
The flags of interest for update are:
-h, --help output usage information
--srcprop <property> Source property to copy rules from
--srcver <version> Version for source property stag/prod/latest/<number> (default is latest)
--file <file> Source file for property rules
--section <section> Section of the credentials file
Activate the specified property version on staging, production or both.
% akamaiProperty activate --network BOTH
Possible options are:
-h, --help output usage information
--network <network> Network to activate, PROD/STAG/BOTH
--propver <version> Property version, latest/staging/prod or number
--section <section> Section of the credentials file
--email <email> Email to use for confirmation
Modify meta information about the property such as:
- Origin server
- Hostnames associated with the property
- Edge hostnames
- Group
% akamaiProperty modify --origin new.origin.hostname
Possible options are:
-h, --help output usage information
--section <section> Section of the credentials file
--addhosts <hostnames> Comma delimited list of hostnames to add
--delhosts <hostnames> Comma delimited list of hostnames to delete
--edgehostname <edgehostname> Edge hostname to switch the property to
--origin <origin> Switch the property origin server
--move <group> Move property to a new property group
Download the Gulp integration project from
In your gulpfile, include the library and define your build targets.
let gulp = require('gulp'),
akamaiconfig = require('gulp-akamaiconfigkit');
const localConfig = {
host: '',
smokeTestUrls: ['/'],
emailNotification: '',
const credConfig = {
path: "~/.edgerc",
section: "papi"
let akamai = new akamaiconfig(credConfig);
gulp.task('deploy-akamai', () => {
return gulp.src("src/akamai/rules.json")
.pipe(akamai.testStaging(, localConfig.smokeTestUrls))
This integration can be used to have a CD tool such as Jenkins push changes to Akamai whenever a rules file changes in your SCM. This allows you to treat your configuration as code and keep your own rules locally.
Start with creating the WebSite object:
let WebSite = require('akamaiconfigkit').WebSite;
let exampleDotCom = new WebSite();
exampleDotCom.copy("", "")
.then(data -> { console.log("Rules copied accross Akamai configurations!")});
This will use the [default] credentials in the ~/.edgerc file. Alternate object creations include:
Specifying to use the [continuous_delivery]
section in the file /cyberark/edgerc
let exampleDotCom = new WebSite({path:"/cyberark/edgerc", section: "[continuous_delivery]"});
You can alternatively specify the clientToken
, clientSecret
, accessToken
, and host
as properties of the
constructor object
let exampleDotCom = new WebSite({clientToken:"a1b2", clientSecret: "c3d4", accessToken: "e5f6", host: ""});
The Akamai CLI is a new tool and as such we have made some design choices worth mentioning.
- Edge Hostnames - if not specified, the system will select an edge hostname from the account to use. Watch the output to know what host to point your DNS at
- CPCodes - there is currently a fairly strict limitation on creation of CPCodes. To work around this, pass in a specific CPCode to use. Your account team can create a bunch of CPCodes which you could then use with your properties.
- Credentials - the tool expects your credentials to be stored under a 'papi' section in your ~/.edgerc file. If you are unfamiliar with the authentication and provisioning for OPEN APIs, see the "Get Started" section of
- Activations - there is currently an intermittent issue with activations not working. It should resolve after another try, and there is an existing internal issue to resolve this.
- Move - in order to perform move functions, the credentials must have both property manager and user admin grants.