Roxo a low-contrast, eye-friendly, dark purple theme. Color palette All the palette colors can be found below: Color Label Hex RGB Primary #b4beee (180, 190, 238) Secondary #94e2d5 (148, 226, 213) Tertiary #F7BAA2 (247, 186, 162) Background #120d17 (18, 13, 23) Foreground #edecee (237, 236, 238) Selection #523b6b (82, 59, 107) Cursor #a288de (162, 136, 222) Black #1b1b1b (27, 27, 27) Grey #3d3d3d (61, 61, 61) Red #f38ba8 (243, 139, 168) Green #94e2d5 (148, 226, 213) Yellow #f9e2af (249, 226, 175) Blue #74c7ec (116, 199, 236) Magenta #b4beee (180, 190, 238) Pink #f5c2d7 (245, 194, 215) Cyan #6ca2c5 (108, 162, 197) White #edecee (237, 236, 238)