Fork of @ravenjohn's scheda.js, rewritten in ES6 syntax. Create SystemOne-inspired schedule timetable!
<script src="./dist/scheda.min.js"></script>
const scheda = new Scheda();
day: 'M',
time: '8:30-9:45',
courseCode: 'CMSC 142',
section: 'UV-4L',
room: 'Physical Sciences Bldg.',
Make sure to include the canvas element somewhere in your HTML code as <canvas id="scheda" />
constructor can accept a configuration object.
import Scheda from 'scheda.js';
const config = {
id: 'my-schedule', // custom canvas ID
colors: ['#000000', '#ff0000'], // array of preset course colors
theme: {
background: '#FFFFFF',
header: '#00838F',
grid: {
mini: '#DFE0D2',
horizontal: '#00838F',
vertical: '#00838F'
time: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
background: '#00838F',
style: 'bold',
font: 'Arial',
size: 12,
day: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
style: 'bold',
font: 'Arial',
size: 12
sched: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
style: 'bold',
font: 'Arial',
size: 10
timeColumnWidth: 80,
const scheda = new Scheda(config);
Draws initial scheda elements.
const scheda = new Scheda();
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas#mySchedule');
scheda.init(canvas); // can accept a node element
The above code can be written as:
const scheda = new Scheda({ id: 'mySchedule' });
Adds a course to scheda canvas. Returns the course UUID.
Returns course object from the scheda history given the course UUID.
Removes course from scheda canvas.
Updates course identified by UUID given.
Generates a PNG file of the schedule.