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File metadata and controls

356 lines (251 loc) · 11.2 KB


Introduction to Angular

What is Angular?

  • Platform for building client applications with web technology
    • HTML, JavaScript/TypeScript, CSS/SASS
  • Angular covers (read more details):
    • Modules
    • Components (=application logic)
    • Templates (=view)
    • Data Binding (Components to Templates)
    • Services
    • Dependency Injection

Getting Started

npm install -g @angular/cli
ng help
ng new my-first-project
cd my-first-project
ng serve

Getting Started

Project Structure

Project Structure

Project Structure

Template & Data Binding

Syntax Description
{{title}} One-way binding from data source to view (interpolation)
{{1 + 1}} One-way binding with template expression
[hidden]="!isValid()" One-way data binding to property (property binding)

Template & Data Binding

Syntax Description
(click)="onSave()" One-way event binding from element to component (event binding)
<input [(ngModel)]="firstName"> Two-way binding (ngModel)

Forms Module

For two-way binding you need the FormsModule

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'
  imports: [
    ..., FormsModule, ...
  ], ...
export class AppModule { }

Template & Data Binding

  • Define HTML layout and structure
  • Prefixed with *
Syntax Description
*ngFor="let i of items" Repeater directive (ngForOf)
*ngIf="len > 3" Conditional display (ngIf)
ngSwitch/*ngSwitchCase Conditional display (example)

Template & Data Binding

Syntax Description
[class]="errorClass" Replacement class binding
[class.error]="hasError()" Toggling class binding
[style.color]="hasError() ? 'red' : 'green'" Style binding

Template & Data Binding

Syntax Description
{{ birthday | date:'longDate'}} Pipe operator

Advanced Template & Data Binding

Consuming Web APIs

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

  imports: [ ..., HttpClientModule, ... ],
  declarations: ...,
  bootstrap: ...
export class AppModule {}

Consuming Web APIs

Get instance of HttpClient in constructor (Dependency Injection)

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { ... }

Consuming Web APIs

<!--#include file="angular/0020-http-client/app.component.ts" -->

Consuming Web APIs

<!--#include file="angular/0020-http-client/app.component.html" -->

Consuming Web APIs

Method Docs link


  • Angular supports navigating between client-side views using the URL
  • Support passing parameters in the URL
    • Path
    • Query
  • base element defines the base URL for all relative URLs
  • Uses HTML5's push state functionality in the background
    • Can be changed to hash URLs for older browsers if necessary
    • See also LocationStrategy
  • Generate new Angular app including router with --routing switch in CLI
    • Example: ng new <your app name> --routing

Setup Routing Module

<!--#include file="angular/0040-routing/src/app/app-routing.module.ts" -->

Add Routing Module to Main Module

<!--#include file="angular/0040-routing/src/app/app.module.ts" -->

Router Links

<!--#include file="angular/0040-routing/src/app/welcome.component.ts" -->

Processing Route Parameters

<!--#include file="angular/0040-routing/src/app/customer-details.component.ts" -->

Recap: SVG

Flex Layout

Flex Layout

<!--#include file="angular/0050-ng-flex/src/app/simple-layouts/simple-layouts.component.html" -->

Flex Layout

<!--#include file="angular/0050-ng-flex/src/app/ordering/ordering.component.html" -->

Progressive Web Apps

Angular Service Worker

  • Started in version Angular 5 and Angular CLI 1.6
  • Supported by Angular CLI
    • --service-worker switch for ng new command
    • Generates "serviceWorker": true option in .angular-cli.json
    • Adds the @angular/service-worker NPM package
    • Calls ServiceWorkerModule.register in app.module.ts
    • Creates the ngsw-config.json configuration file
  • Only active for production build
    • --prod switch in ng build command
    • For results, see dist folder
    • Use http-server NPM package or Chrome Development Webserver to test

Angular Service Worker Configuration

  "index": "/index.html",
  "assetGroups": [...],
  "assetGroups": [...],
  "dataGroups": [...]

Further Readings and Exercises