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Getting ideas from your registered users/customers should be simple!

  • Simple install
  • Simple usage, no second registration
  • Your app, your user, your ideas, your control


Find similar ideas while writing title is not working!

We use elastic search for this, and it might be because the index somehow is out of sync. Try running Idea.reindex

Reverse routing in angular

Redirect fra en kontroller

  1. Inject 'Redirect' inn i kontrolleren
  2. Metoden ser slik ut: Redirect(name, options, urlParameters)

Eksempel 1: Redirect('idea', { id: 2 }) Returnerer: #/widget/ideas/2

Eksempel 2: Noen ganger trenger vi å legge på ekstra url-parametre på slutten Redirect('idea_edit', { id: 3 }, '?comment_id=4') Returnerer: #/widget/ideas/3/edit?comment_id=4


For å lage lenker i templates, kan vi bruke fremgangsmåten beskrevet her:

Email preview

Preview email example to preview password_reset: /rails/mailers/customer_mailer/password_reset


Auto deploy to heroku

We have enabled auto-deploy to heroku. The develop branch will automatically be deployed to staging. We have also enabled review apps. This means that all PR will automatically create a new temporary application on heroku for testing. The file app.json file is config for review-apps


We are using bower for assets. Simple guide for bower and rails.

Install bower

npm install -g bower

Update assets

Modify bower.json run bower install