diff --git a/src/cargo/core/compiler/custom_build.rs b/src/cargo/core/compiler/custom_build.rs
index 022ad87613a..c921986a838 100644
--- a/src/cargo/core/compiler/custom_build.rs
+++ b/src/cargo/core/compiler/custom_build.rs
@@ -307,6 +307,10 @@ fn build_work(cx: &mut Context<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<Job> {
         cmd.env("CARGO_MANIFEST_LINKS", links);
+    if let Some(trim_paths) = unit.profile.trim_paths.as_ref() {
+        cmd.env("CARGO_TRIM_PATHS", trim_paths.to_string());
+    }
     // Be sure to pass along all enabled features for this package, this is the
     // last piece of statically known information that we have.
     for feat in &unit.features {
diff --git a/src/cargo/core/profiles.rs b/src/cargo/core/profiles.rs
index 06a5f3b5784..95354a3f6ad 100644
--- a/src/cargo/core/profiles.rs
+++ b/src/cargo/core/profiles.rs
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ impl Profiles {
         result.root = for_unit_profile.root;
         result.debuginfo = for_unit_profile.debuginfo;
         result.opt_level = for_unit_profile.opt_level;
+        result.trim_paths = for_unit_profile.trim_paths.clone();
diff --git a/src/doc/src/reference/unstable.md b/src/doc/src/reference/unstable.md
index 67144807fe2..0683daa3c59 100644
--- a/src/doc/src/reference/unstable.md
+++ b/src/doc/src/reference/unstable.md
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ For the latest nightly, see the [nightly version] of this page.
     * [per-package-target](#per-package-target) --- Sets the `--target` to use for each individual package.
     * [artifact dependencies](#artifact-dependencies) --- Allow build artifacts to be included into other build artifacts and build them for different targets.
     * [Edition 2024](#edition-2024) — Adds support for the 2024 Edition.
-    * [Profile `trim-paths` option](#profile-trim-paths-option) --- Control the sanitisation of file paths in build outputs.
+    * [Profile `trim-paths` option](#profile-trim-paths-option) --- Control the sanitization of file paths in build outputs.
 * Information and metadata
     * [Build-plan](#build-plan) --- Emits JSON information on which commands will be run.
     * [unit-graph](#unit-graph) --- Emits JSON for Cargo's internal graph structure.
@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ edition that may break your build.
 * Tracking Issue: [rust-lang/cargo#12137](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/12137)
 * Tracking Rustc Issue: [rust-lang/rust#111540](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/111540)
-This adds a new profile setting to control how paths are sanitised in the resulting binary.
+This adds a new profile setting to control how paths are sanitized in the resulting binary.
 This can be enabled like so:
@@ -1370,6 +1370,19 @@ Paths to all other source files will not be affected.
 This will not affect any hard-coded paths in the source code, such as in strings.
+#### Environment variable
+*as a new entry of ["Environment variables Cargo sets for build scripts"](./environment-variables.md#environment-variables-cargo-sets-for-crates)*
+* `CARGO_TRIM_PATHS` --- The value of `trim-paths` profile option.
+    `false`, `"none"`, and empty arrays would be converted to `none`.
+    `true` and `"all"` become `all`.
+    Values in a non-empty array would be joined into a comma-separated list.
+    If the build script introduces absolute paths to built artifacts (such as by invoking a compiler),
+    the user may request them to be sanitized in different types of artifacts.
+    Common paths requiring sanitization include `OUT_DIR` and `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`,
+    plus any other introduced by the build script, such as include directories.
 # Stabilized and removed features
 ## Compile progress
diff --git a/tests/testsuite/profile_trim_paths.rs b/tests/testsuite/profile_trim_paths.rs
index b0b8d9577a4..f264253c936 100644
--- a/tests/testsuite/profile_trim_paths.rs
+++ b/tests/testsuite/profile_trim_paths.rs
@@ -511,3 +511,69 @@ fn object_works() {
     assert!(memchr::memmem::find(&stdout, registry_src_bytes).is_none());
     assert!(memchr::memmem::find(&stdout, pkg_root).is_none());
+// TODO: might want to move to test/testsuite/build_script.rs once stabilized.
+#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "-Zremap-path-scope is unstable")]
+fn custom_build_env_var_trim_paths() {
+    let p = project()
+        .file(
+            "Cargo.toml",
+            r#"
+                [package]
+                name = "foo"
+                version = "0.0.1"
+           "#,
+        )
+        .file("src/lib.rs", "")
+        .file("build.rs", "")
+        .build();
+    let test_cases = [
+        ("[]", "none"),
+        ("\"all\"", "all"),
+        ("\"diagnostics\"", "diagnostics"),
+        ("\"macro\"", "macro"),
+        ("\"none\"", "none"),
+        ("\"object\"", "object"),
+        ("false", "none"),
+        ("true", "all"),
+        (
+            r#"["diagnostics", "macro", "object"]"#,
+            "diagnostics,macro,object",
+        ),
+    ];
+    for (opts, expected) in test_cases {
+        p.change_file(
+            "Cargo.toml",
+            &format!(
+                r#"
+                [package]
+                name = "foo"
+                version = "0.0.1"
+                [profile.dev]
+                trim-paths = {opts}
+                "#
+            ),
+        );
+        p.change_file(
+            "build.rs",
+            &format!(
+                r#"
+                fn main() {{
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        std::env::var("CARGO_TRIM_PATHS").unwrap().as_str(),
+                        "{expected}",
+                    );
+                }}
+                "#
+            ),
+        );
+        p.cargo("build -Ztrim-paths")
+            .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["-Ztrim-paths"])
+            .run();
+    }