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Rick Waldron edited this page Nov 14, 2015 · 19 revisions

The Joystick class constructs objects that represent a single Joystick sensor attached to the physical board.

This list will continue to be updated as more Joystick devices are confirmed.


  • General Options

    Property Type Value/Description Default Required
    pins Array of Pins ["A*", ...]. Analog pins connected to X and Y yes
    invert Boolean true, false. Invert both axes false no
    invertX Boolean true, false. Invert the X axis false no
    invertY Boolean true, false. Invert the Y axis false no


Property Name Description Read Only
id A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid No
x -1, 1. Yes
y -1, 1. Yes

Component Initialization


new five.Joystick({
  // [ x, y ]
  pins: ["A0", "A1"]


Adafruit Joystick

SparkFun Joystick

Sparkfun Shield

new five.Joystick({
  pins: ["A0", "A1"], 
  invertY: true

SparkFun JoyStick Shield


new five.Joystick({
  controller: "ESPLORA"


Axis Inversion

var joy = new Joystick({ pins: ["A0", "A1"], invertY: true });

Produces the following default axes:

-1   *   1
Invert Y
var joy = new Joystick({ pins: ["A0", "A1"], invertY: true });

Produces an inverted Y axis, with a default X axis:

-1   *   1
Invert X
var joy = new Joystick({ pins: ["A0", "A1"], invertX: true });

Produces an inverted X axis, with a default Y axis:

1   *  -1
Invert Both
var joy = new Joystick({ pins: ["A0", "A1"], invert: true });

Produces an both inverted X and Y axes:

1   *  -1


There are no special API functions for this class.


  • change The "change" event is emitted whenever the value of an axis changes.

  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as the user defined freq will allow in milliseconds.

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