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L2p Service Migration v1.1.1 to v1.2.0 (Java 17)

Philipp Dolif edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 9 revisions

WIP: This wiki page will be used to document the required changes to update a las2peer service from v1.1.1 (or v1.1.2) to the (not yet officially released) first version of las2peer that supports Java 17 (v1.2.0).


The service should already be using Gradle. If this is not the case, please migrate from Ant to Gradle first.

Update Gradle to version 7.2

Most of the services that followed the Gradle migration guide when las2peer v1.1.1 was released should be using Gradle 6.8. To work with Java 17, Gradle needs to be updated to version 7.2.

  1. Before updating, you should run

    ./gradlew build --warning-mode=all

    to see the deprecation warnings in the console. These warnings contain useful information helping to update your buildscript to be working with Gradle 7.2. Here are the changes that were necessary in the template-project:

    • In the repositories, replace jcenter() with mavenCentral().
    • In the dependencies, replace compileOnly with implementation.
    • In the configurations, replace testCompile.extendsFrom compileOnly with testImplementation.extendsFrom implementation.
    • In the application configuration, replace
      mainClassName = ""
    • Replace
      tasks.withType(Jar) {
          destinationDir = file("$projectDir/export/jars")
      tasks.withType(Jar) {
          destinationDirectory = file("$projectDir/export/jars")
    • When using Jacoco, update the toolVersion to 0.8.7.
  2. Update Gradle plugins (if any plugins are used).

  3. Update the Gradle wrapper by running

    gradle wrapper --gradle-version 7.2

Use Java 17 & las2peer v1.2.0

  • Update the GitHub workflow files (if there are any) to use Java 17.
  • Set java.version to 17 in file.
  • Set core.version to 1.2.0 in file.
  • Update the Java base image version used in the Dockerfile.

Update startscript generation

The build.gradle file contains a task named startscripts that generates the files and start_network.bat. These startscripts contain the Java command which is starting the service.

For las2peer to work with Java 17, we need to set the -jar argument in the start command to the las2peer-bundle jar file. By setting this argument, we also do not need to set as the entrypoint anymore.

You can just replace the existing startscripts task with the following one:

task startscripts {
    new File("$rootDir/bin", "").text = """#!/bin/bash

# this script is autogenerated by 'gradle startscripts'
# it starts a las2peer node providing the service '${'')}.${'service.class')}' of this project
# pls execute it from the root folder of your deployment, e. g. ./bin/

java -cp "lib/*" -jar lib/las2peer-bundle-${'core.version')}.jar --port 9011 --service-directory service uploadStartupDirectory startService\\(\\'${'')}.${'service.class')}@${'service.version')}\\'\\) startWebConnector interactive
    new File("$rootDir/bin", "start_network.bat").text = """:: this script is autogenerated by 'gradle startscripts'
:: it starts a las2peer node providing the service '${'')}.${'service.class')}' of this project
:: pls execute it from the bin folder of your deployment by double-clicking on it

cd %~p0
cd ..
set BASE=%CD%
set CLASSPATH="%BASE%/lib/*;"
set L2P_JAR_PATH="%BASE%/lib/las2peer-bundle-${'core.version')}.jar"

java -cp %CLASSPATH% -jar %L2P_JAR_PATH% --port 9011 --service-directory service uploadStartupDirectory startService('${'')}.${'service.class')}@${'service.version')}') startWebConnector interactive


This Gradle task automatically reads the core.version attribute from file. This allows to automatically set the -jar argument of the start command to the currently used version of las2peer.

Update docker-entrypoint

The -jar argument also needs to be set in the start command inside the docker-entrypoint. Therefore we first need to parse the current las2peer version from file. This can be done by adding the following command:

export CORE_VERSION=$(awk -F "=" '/core.version/ {print $2}'

Then we can replace with -jar lib/las2peer-bundle-'"${CORE_VERSION}"'.jar in the java start command.

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