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React component library to enable localization for Gasket apps. Loads and manages locale files from @gasket/plugin-intl.


npm i @gasket/react-intl



Use this to wrap an app to set up the Provider for react-intl and context for the locale components below.


  • withIntlProvider(options)


  • [options] - (object) Optional configuration - currently not used
import { withIntlProvider } from '@gasket/react-intl';

const App = props => <div>{props.children}</div>

export default withIntlProvider()(App);


Higher-order component to wrap pages or components in an app. This checks to see if a locale file has been loaded, and fetches it if not. Once loaded, the wrapped component will be rendered.


  • withLocaleRequired(localesPath, options)


  • localesPath - (string) Path to endpoint with JSON files. See more about locales path in the plugin docs.
  • [options] - (object) Optional configuration
    • loading - (string|node) Content to render while loading, otherwise null.
    • initialProps - (boolean) Enable getInitialProps to load locale files during server-side rendering for Next.js pages. Defaults to false.
    • forwardRef - (boolean) Add a ref to the connected wrapper component.


import { withLocaleRequired } from '@gasket/react-intl';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const Component = props => <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>

export default withLocaleRequired('/locales')(Component);

If you only have a single locales path for your app, the default localesPath will be used if unspecified:

export default withLocaleRequired()(Component);

This is also the behavior for the other components and functions where localesPath can be specified. If the default path for the app should be something different from /locales, this can be set in the config for @gasket/plugin-intl.


This component can also require locale files. This can be useful for components that want to render certain content quickly, while deferring rendering other content until a split locales file loads.


  • <LocaleRequired { ...props } />


  • localesPath - (string) Path to endpoint with JSON files. See more about locales path in the plugin docs.
  • loading - (string|node) Content to render while loading, otherwise null.
import { LocaleRequired } from '@gasket/react-intl';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const Component = props => (
    <LocaleRequired localesPath='/locales'>
      <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>
    <LocaleRequired localesPath='/locales/paragraphs' loading='Loading...'>
      <p><FormattedMessage id='long-description'/></p>

export default Component;



Use this hook when you need more control vs what the components provide. The hook will return the current loading status of the locale file.


  • useLocaleRequired(localesPath): loadState


  • localesPath - (string) Path to endpoint with JSON files. See more about locales path in the plugin docs.
import { useLocaleRequired, LocalStatus } from '@gasket/react-intl';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

export default function MyComponent(props) {
  const loadState = useLocaleRequired('/locales/custom');
  if (loadState === LocalStatus.LOADING) return 'Fetching translations.';
  if (loadState === LocalStatus.ERROR) return 'Could not translate.';

  return <p><FormattedMessage id='custom_welcome'/></p>;


Loader functions specific to Next.js lifecycles are available from @gasket/react-intl/next.


To generate static pages for a locale in a Next.js app, you can use intlGetStaticProps to make a getStaticProps function that will take a locale param.


  • intlGetStaticProps(localesPath)


  • localesPath - (string) Path to endpoint with JSON files. See more about locales path in the plugin docs.
// pages/[locale]/example.js
import { intlGetStaticProps } from '@gasket/react-intl/next';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

export default const Component = props => <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>

export default Component;

export const getStaticProps = intlGetStaticProps('/locales');

export function getStaticPaths() {
  return {
    paths: [
      { params: { locale: 'en' } },
      { params: { locale: 'fr' } }
    fallback: false

In the above example, we are using Next.js dynamic routes for to set the locale param. The generated pages will be for /en/example and /fr/example.


Locale files can also be preloaded for server-side rendering using intlGetServerSideProps to make a getServerSideProps function. The locale to be loaded will come from the res.locals.gasketData provided by @gasket/plugin-intl.


  • intlGetServerSideProps(localesPath)


  • localesPath - (string) Path to endpoint with JSON files. See more about locales path in the plugin docs.
import { intlGetServerSideProps } from '@gasket/react-intl/next';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

export default const Component = props => <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>

export default Component;

export const getServerSideProps = intlGetServerSideProps('/locales');

One caveat to using getServerSideProps is that the locales will be fetched for page changes in the browser as well. Since a locale file should only be loaded once for an app, consider using getInitialProps instead for loading during server rendering.


To enable getInitialProps for preloading locale files during server-side rendering if Next.js pages, you can set the initialProps options to true.


import { withLocaleRequired } from '@gasket/react-intl';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const Component = props => <h1><FormattedMessage id='welcome'/></h1>

export default withLocaleRequired('/locales', { initialProps: true })(Component);

This cannot be combined with getServerSideProps, so in those cases where you need it, another option to preload locale props during SSR is with req.withLocaleRequired.
