dein.vim has lua api (require('dein')
The wrapper plugin for dein.vim.
1st, clone this repository.
$ git clone
2nd, load this plugin at the top of init.lua.
-- init.lua
How to auto-install and load dein-snip.lua.
If you have not set path
in setup()
or are using the default settings, the following script is good for you.
For path
, please read :help dein-snip-config-path
local dein_snip = vim.fn.fnamemodify('~/.cache/dein/repos/', ':p')
if not string.match(vim.o.runtimepath, '/dein-snip.lua') then
if vim.fn.isdirectory(dein_snip) == 0 then
os.execute('git clone ' .. dein_snip)
Last, call setup() function.
NOTE: You don't have to install or load dein.vim. dein-snip.lua automatically install dein.vim and add it to runtimepath.
For more details, please read help
require('dein-snip').setup {
load = {
vim = {
toml = {
{ '~/dotfiles/vim/rc/dein-lazy.toml', { lazy = true } }
raw = {
{ 'vim-jp/vimdoc-ja', { hook_add = 'set helplang=ja,en' } }
check_install = true
notification = {
enable = true,
time = 3000
auto_recache = true
You don't have to call dein's functions.
Based on your configuation setted in dein-snip.setup(), dein's functions are automatically called.
If you want to call a dein's function, you can use
or vim.cmd()
However, this plugin defines some wrappers, so you can use them too with require('dein-snip.func')
dein-functions | require('dein-snip.func') |
dein#add({repo}[, {options}]) |
add(repo: string, options: table|nil) |
dein#begin({base-path}[, {vimrcs}]) |
begin(base_path: string, vimrcs: list|nil) |
dein#check_install({plugins}) |
check_install(plugins: table|nil) |
dein#end() |
end_() |
dein#install([{plugins}]) |
install(plugins: table|nil) |
dein#min#load_state({base-path}) |
load_state(base_path: string) |
dein#load_toml({filename}[, {options}]) |
load_toml(filename: string, options: table|nil) |
dein#local({directory}[, {options}[, {names}]]) |
local_(directory: string, options: table|nil, names: table|nil) |
dein#save_state() |
save_state() |
You can set dein's variables without wrriing vimscript.
You can set them in dein-snip.setup().
dein-variables | dein-snip-config |
g:dein#auto_recache |
auto_recache |
g:dein#auto_remote_plugins |
auto_remote_plugins |
g:dein#cache_directory |
cache_directory |
g:dein#default_options |
default_options |
g:dein#download_command |
download_command |
g:dein#enable_hook_function_cache |
enable_hook_function_cache |
g:dein#enable_name_conversion |
enable_name_conversion |
g:dein#enable_notification |
notification.enable |
g:dein#ftplugin |
not support |
g:dein#inline_vimrc |
load.vim |
g:dein#install_check_diff |
install.check_diff |
g:dein#install_check_remote_threshold |
install.check_remote_threshold |
g:dein#install_copy_vim |
install.copy_vim |
g:dein#install_github_api_token |
install.github_api_token |
g:dein#install_max_processes |
install.max_processes |
g:dein#install_process_timeout |
install.process_timeout |
g:dein#install_progress_type |
install.progress_type |
g:dein#install_message_type |
install.message_type |
g:dein#install_log_filename |
install.log_filename |
g:dein#lazy_rplugins |
lazy_rplugins |
g:dein#name (deprecated) |
not support |
g:dein#notification_icon |
notification.icon |
g:dein#notification_time |
notification.time |
g:dein#plugin |
not support |
g:dein#types#git#clone_depth |
install.git.clone_depth |
g:dein#types#git#command_path |
install.git.command_path |
g:dein#types#git#default_hub_site |
install.git.default_hub_site |
g:dein#types#git#default_protocol |
install.git.default_protocol |
g:dein#types#git#pull_command |
install.git.pull_command |
g:dein#types#git#enable_partial_clone |
install.git.partial_clone |