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s-leger edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 78 revisions

Welcome to the Archipack for Blender wiki!

See Archipack 1.3.5+ new documentation

Archipack 1.2.8 is now part of addons so you'll find it in 2.79 release. You may also setup and use this addon in Blender 2.78x

Archipack does use bgl api, and this api is ment to be rewritten for blender 2.8, so some old features are dropped and this addon does not work at all until then with 2.8 series.

Archipack video preview


Official / Unofficial ?

Official version of this addon is released with Blender 2.79x
In order to provide the same feature set for all users right "out of the box", 2d to 3d feature is not part of official version.

Unofficial addon is the version you may download from this repository. It does provide and addon-updater to keep the addon in synch with lastest version from github, and 2d to 3d feature requiring shapely python module.

How to support archipack ?

Archipack is free and released under GPL3 license.
Feel free to make a donation to push this project forward.


Incomes are dedicated to archipack devloppment.

2d to 3d (archipack unofficial 1.2.7+)

What does it do ?

Detect polygons from unordered splines (spaghettis) like in architectural 2d blueprints within a single click. Fix precision issues filling small gaps between lines encountred when importing. Once detected, you are able to pick polygons with a select tool and build walls, doors, windows, curves or closed polygons right from your selection.



Why ?

Cleaning dxf files or redrawing walls in worst cases is often a painfull task. This script does automagically fix most issues encountred in imported cad drawings, eg: not well formed lines, and allow you to simply select needed polygons to get a clean curve of polygons boundarys.

How does it do ?

Under the hood, i do write from scratch the cleaning code and intersection detection to handle precision and optimization issuees occuring on medium data sets using a spacial tree (adapted pyqtree). Polygonization is only a wrapper arround shapely as it is realy powerfull and quick.

Report errors and general feedback:

General feedback on Blender artist forum tread

Should you find an error or want to report success/issues ? Report errors on Issues Tracker