Implementing the IDEA dual-readout calorimeter using a capillary tube geometry (Bucatini structure)
source /cvmfs/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install/ ..
make install -j6
cd ../install/
(assuming $PWD=<path_to_install_directory>
The export command needs to be executed in each new session!
To run the following commands, make sure to change into the compact directory containing the DDDRCaloTubes.xml or adjust the paths in the command accordingly
geoDisplay DDDRCaloTubes.xml
ddsim --compactFile DDDRCaloTubes.xml --runType run --macroFile overlap.mac --part.userParticleHandler=''
ddsim --compactFile DDDRCaloTubes.xml -G --steeringFile --outputFile=test.root --part.userParticleHandler=""