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OAuth 2.0 Client

Provider Client Libraries

All providers must extend AbstractProvider, and implement the declared abstract methods.

The following providers are available:

Official PHP League providers

These are as many OAuth 2 services as we plan to support officially. Maintaining a wide selection of providers damages our ability to make this package the best it can be.

Gateway Composer Package Maintainer
Facebook league/oauth2-facebook Sammy Kaye Powers
Github league/oauth2-github Steven Maguire
Google league/oauth2-google Woody Gilk
Instagram league/oauth2-instagram Steven Maguire
LinkedIn league/oauth2-linkedin Steven Maguire

Third party providers

If you would like to support other providers, please make them available as a Composer package, then link to them below.

These providers allow integration with other providers not supported by oauth2-client. They may require an older version so please help them out with a pull request if you notice this.

Gateway Composer Package Maintainer
Amazon lemonstand/oauth2-amazon LemonStand
Auth0 riskio/oauth2-auth0 Nicolas Eeckeloo
Azure Active Directory thenetworg/oauth2-azure Jan Hajek depotwarehouse/oauth2-bnet Troy Pavlek
Betaseries rtransat/oauth2-betaseries Florent Sorel
Bitbucket stevenmaguire/oauth2-bitbucket Steven Maguire
BookingSync bookingsync/oauth2-bookingsync-php BookingSync
Box stevenmaguire/oauth2-box Steven Maguire
Buffer tgallice/oauth2-buffer Thomas Gallice
Canvas LMS smtech/oauth2-canvaslms Seth Battis
Clever schoolrunner/oauth2-clever Schoolrunner
Clover wheniwork/oauth2-clover When I Work
Coinbase openclerk/coinbase-oauth2 Openclerk
Discord team-reflex/oauth2-discord David Cole
Dropbox pixelfear/oauth2-dropbox Jason Varga
Drupal chrishemmings/oauth2-drupal Chris Hemmings
Elance stevenmaguire/oauth2-elance Steven Maguire
Envato dilab/envato-oauth2-provider Xu Ding
Eventbrite stevenmaguire/oauth2-eventbrite Steven Maguire
Eve Online evelabs/oauth2-eveonline Oleg Krasavin
Fitbit djchen/oauth2-fitbit Dan Chen
Foursquare stevenmaguire/oauth2-foursquare Steven Maguire
FreeAgent cloudmanaged/oauth2-freeagent Israel Sotomayor
GitLab omines/oauth2-gitlab Niels Keurentjes
Google Nest grumpydictator/nest-oauth2-provider James Cole
Harvest nilesuan/oauth2-harvest Nile Suan
Imgur adam-paterson/oauth2-imgur Adam Paterson
Keycloak stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak Steven Maguire
MailChimp cfreear/oauth2-mailchimp Christian Freear aego/oauth2-mailru Alexey
Meetup howlowck/meetup-oauth2-provider Hao Luo
Microsoft stevenmaguire/oauth2-microsoft Steven Maguire
Mollie mollie/oauth2-mollie-php Mollie
Naver deminoth/oauth2-naver SangYeob Bono Yu
Odnoklassniki aego/oauth2-odnoklassniki Alexey
Optimizely widerfunnel/oauth2-optimizely WiderFunnel Labs
PayPal stevenmaguire/oauth2-paypal Steven Maguire
PSN larabros/oauth2-psn Hassan Khan
Rdio adam-paterson/oauth2-rdio Adam Paterson
Reddit rtheunissen/oauth2-reddit Rudi Theunissen
Resource Guru adam-paterson/oauth2-resource-guru Adam Paterson
Ring Central tmannherz/oauth2-ringcentral Todd Mannherz
Salesforce stevenmaguire/oauth2-salesforce Steven Maguire
Shotbow shotbow/oauth2-shotbow Navarr Barnier
Slack adam-paterson/oauth2-slack Adam Paterson
Spotify audeio/spotify-web-api Jonjo McKay
Stripe adam-paterson/oauth2-stripe Adam Paterson
Strava edwin-luijten/oauth2-strava Edwin Luijten
Square wheniwork/oauth2-square Woody Gilk depotwarehouse/oauth2-twitch Troy Pavlek
Uber stevenmaguire/oauth2-uber Steven Maguire
Untappd shadowhand/oauth2-untappd Woody Gilk
Vend wheniwork/oauth2-vend When I Work
Vimeo saf33r/oauth2-vimeo Safeer Ahmed
Vkontakte j4k/oauth2-vkontakte Jack W
Yahoo hayageek/oauth2-yahoo Ravishanker Kusuma
Yandex aego/oauth2-yandex Alexey
Zendesk stevenmaguire/oauth2-zendesk Steven Maguire
ZenPayroll wheniwork/oauth2-zenpayroll Woody Gilk

Client Packages

Some developers use this library as a base for their own PHP API wrappers, and that seems like a really great idea. It might make it slightly tricky to integrate their provider with an existing generic "OAuth 2.0 All the Things" login system, but it does make working with them easier.