[DEBUG ] salt.crypt.get_rsa_key: Loading private key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.sign_message: Signing message. [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001165947104641 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001165947104641/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'success': True, 'return': {'comment': 'Disabled schedule on minion.', 'changes': {'schedule': 'disabled'}, 'result': True}, 'retcode': 0, 'jid': '20221001165947104641', 'fun': 'schedule.disable', 'fun_args': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T16:59:47.258309'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001165947104641/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'local_cache' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = 20221001170000478313; data = {'minions': ['minion1'], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:00.479982'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag 20221001170000478313 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170000478313/new; data = {'jid': '20221001170000478313', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey', 'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'minions': ['minion1'], 'missing': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:00.481930'} [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170000478313: ['minion1'] [INFO ] User sudo_sramsey Published command schedule.list with jid 20221001170000478313 [DEBUG ] Published command details {'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'tgt': 'minion1', 'jid': '20221001170000478313', 'ret': '', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey'} [DEBUG ] Sending payload to publish daemon. jid=20221001170000478313 load={'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'tgt [DEBUG ] Connecting to pub server: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/publish_pull.ipc [DEBUG ] Sent payload to publish daemon. [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170000478313/new [DEBUG ] Signing data packet [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.get_rsa_key: Loading private key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.sign_message: Signing message. [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170000478313 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170000478313/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'success': False, 'return': "Passed invalid arguments to schedule.list: 'bool' object does not support item assignment\n\n List the jobs currently scheduled on the minion\n\n CLI Example:\n\n .. code-block:: bash\n\n salt '*' schedule.list\n\n # Show all jobs including hidden internal jobs\n salt '*' schedule.list show_all=True\n\n # Hide disabled jobs from list of jobs\n salt '*' schedule.list show_disabled=False\n\n ", 'out': 'nested', 'retcode': 1, 'jid': '20221001170000478313', 'fun': 'schedule.list', 'fun_args': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:00.657838'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170000478313/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Performing fileserver updates for items with an update interval of 60 [DEBUG ] Updating roots fileserver cache [DEBUG ] Completed fileserver updates for items with an update interval of 60, waiting 60 seconds [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master [DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf' [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf [DEBUG ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: saltmaster.local [DEBUG ] Grains refresh requested. Refreshing grains. [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master [DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf' [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'core' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'disks' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'extra' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'lvm' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'mdadm' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'minion_process' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'opts' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] Override __utils__: [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'zfs' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'zfs' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded zfs.is_supported [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'local_cache' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded local_cache.clean_old_jobs [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'localfs' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded localfs.list_tokens [DEBUG ] This salt-master instance has accepted 12 minion keys. [DEBUG ] The functions from module 'local_cache' are being loaded by dir() on the loaded module [DEBUG ] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = 20221001170007010107; data = {'minions': ['minion1'], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:07.011745'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag 20221001170007010107 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170007010107/new; data = {'jid': '20221001170007010107', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey', 'fun': 'schedule.enable', 'arg': [], 'minions': ['minion1'], 'missing': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:07.013753'} [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170007010107: ['minion1'] [INFO ] User sudo_sramsey Published command schedule.enable with jid 20221001170007010107 [DEBUG ] Published command details {'fun': 'schedule.enable', 'arg': [], 'tgt': 'minion1', 'jid': '20221001170007010107', 'ret': '', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey'} [DEBUG ] Sending payload to publish daemon. jid=20221001170007010107 load={'fun': 'schedule.enable', 'arg': [], 't [DEBUG ] Connecting to pub server: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/publish_pull.ipc [DEBUG ] Sent payload to publish daemon. [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170007010107/new [DEBUG ] Signing data packet [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.get_rsa_key: Loading private key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.sign_message: Signing message. [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170007010107 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170007010107/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'success': True, 'return': {'comment': 'Enabled schedule on minion.', 'changes': {'schedule': 'enabled'}, 'result': True}, 'retcode': 0, 'jid': '20221001170007010107', 'fun': 'schedule.enable', 'fun_args': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:07.156940'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170007010107/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = 20221001170011042498; data = {'minions': ['minion1'], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:11.042787'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag 20221001170011042498 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170011042498/new; data = {'jid': '20221001170011042498', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey', 'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'minions': ['minion1'], 'missing': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:11.044995'} [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170011042498: ['minion1'] [INFO ] User sudo_sramsey Published command schedule.list with jid 20221001170011042498 [DEBUG ] Published command details {'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'tgt': 'minion1', 'jid': '20221001170011042498', 'ret': '', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'user': 'sudo_sramsey'} [DEBUG ] Sending payload to publish daemon. jid=20221001170011042498 load={'fun': 'schedule.list', 'arg': [], 'tgt [DEBUG ] Sent payload to publish daemon. [DEBUG ] Signing data packet [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.get_rsa_key: Loading private key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.sign_message: Signing message. [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170011042498/new [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170011042498 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170011042498/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'success': False, 'return': "Passed invalid arguments to schedule.list: 'bool' object does not support item assignment\n\n List the jobs currently scheduled on the minion\n\n CLI Example:\n\n .. code-block:: bash\n\n salt '*' schedule.list\n\n # Show all jobs including hidden internal jobs\n salt '*' schedule.list show_all=True\n\n # Hide disabled jobs from list of jobs\n salt '*' schedule.list show_disabled=False\n\n ", 'out': 'nested', 'retcode': 1, 'jid': '20221001170011042498', 'fun': 'schedule.list', 'fun_args': [], '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:11.194409'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170011042498/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170017919259: ['minion1'] [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170017919259 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170017919259/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'fun': 'cmd.script', 'fun_args': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'schedule': 'job1', 'jid': '20221001170017919259', 'pid': 5157, 'return': {'pid': 5162, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:17.920205', 'arg': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170017919259/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170027924463: ['minion1'] [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170027924463 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170027924463/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'fun': 'cmd.script', 'fun_args': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'schedule': 'job1', 'jid': '20221001170027924463', 'pid': 5173, 'return': {'pid': 5178, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:27.926328', 'arg': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170027924463/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170037926549: ['minion1'] [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170037926549 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170037926549/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'fun': 'cmd.script', 'fun_args': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'schedule': 'job1', 'jid': '20221001170037926549', 'pid': 5190, 'return': {'pid': 5195, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:37.927882', 'arg': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170037926549/ret/minion1 [DEBUG ] Adding minions for job 20221001170047876941: ['minion1'] [INFO ] Got return from minion1 for job 20221001170047876941 [DEBUG ] Sending event: tag = salt/job/20221001170047876941/ret/minion1; data = {'cmd': '_return', 'id': 'minion1', 'fun': 'cmd.script', 'fun_args': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'schedule': 'job1', 'jid': '20221001170047876941', 'pid': 5206, 'return': {'pid': 5211, 'retcode': 0, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': ''}, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2022-10-01T17:00:47.878682', 'arg': ['salt://files/mlx_apt_confirm.sh'], 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'tgt': 'minion1'} [DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag salt/job/20221001170047876941/ret/minion1