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PHP intl extension, ICU data tables

Live version is available at

The project was created to simplify checking out various PHP intl / ICU / CLDR data which is mainly used in translation strings without the need to check different websites and search huge data tables for locale you need.

Instead, you can enter locale code and get all the info for just that locale right away.

What's currently displayed

  • General locale info.
  • Plural rules. Also available via CLDR website.
  • Numbering schemas. Not available anywhere but ICU resource sources which aren't too user-friendly to read.
  • Number formatting rules and data.
  • Currency data.
  • Language data.
  • Region data.
  • Zone data.
  • Unit data.

Are examples broken?

There are known issues with PHP intl extension regarding usage of named parameters such as {n}. The Severity of issues depends on PHP and intl versions used. The primary goal of the project is to serve as an info source for using with Yii 2.0 framework which provides wrapper around intl allowing usage of named parameters in all possible cases.

If you're not using Yii, try positional placeholders such as {0} instead.

Directory structure

assets/             contains assets definition
config/             contains application configurations
controllers/        contains Web controller classes
runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
vendor/             contains dependent 3rd-party packages
views/              contains view files for the Web application
public/             contains the entry script and Web resources


The minimum requirement by this project that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0 with mbstring and intl extensions.

Using Docker

Copy /config/csrf_key.php.example to /config/csrf_key.php. Paste validation key there.

Run a dev instance

make up

Access it at http://localhost/.

Build production image and push it

make build
make push

Deploy to production

make deploy

Local installation

  1. Download zip.
  2. Copy /config/csrf_key.php.example to /config/csrf_key.php. Paste validation key there.
  3. Run composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.0" && composer install.
  4. Configure your webserver to point to /web.