YummyDate is a highly customizable SwiftUI date picker framework designed to make it easy to add stylish date selection functionality to iOS applications.
- 1.0.0:
- Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with SwiftUI applications.
- Customizable Themes: Includes predefined themes and supports custom themes.
- Date Selection Manager: Leverages
for easy date management within your app.
iOS 14.0+
Xcode 11+
Swift 5.1+
To add YummyDate to your SwiftUI project, simply add it as a dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/samroman3/YummyDate.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
Or add it via Xcode by selecting File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the package repository URL.
Import YummyDate in the file you'd like to use it:
import YummyDate
Initialize the DateSelectionManager and bind it to YummyDateBar and DateSelectorView:
@StateObject private var dateSelectionManager = BaseDateSelectionManager()
YummyDateBar(selectionManager: dateSelectionManager,
selectedDate: $dateSelectionManager.selectedDate,
onDateTapped: { /* Your code here */ },
onCalendarTapped: { /* Your code here */ },
theme: .limeTheme)
If you would like further date handling you can extend BaseDateSelectionManager or directly conform to DateSelectionManaging if you prefer implementing the ObservableObject requirements yourself.
class CustomDateSelectionManager: BaseDateSelectionManager {
override func updateSelectedDate(to newDate: Date) {
// Custom logic here
super.updateSelectedDate(to: newDate)
Or, for full custom implementations:
class AnotherCustomManager: DateSelectionManaging {
var objectWillChange = ObservableObjectPublisher()
private var _selectedDate: Date = Date()
var selectedDate: Date {
get { _selectedDate }
set {
_selectedDate = newValue
func updateSelectedDate(to newDate: Date) {
selectedDate = newDate
And in your views:
struct MyView {
@StateObject private var dateSelectionManager = AnotherCustomManager()
@State private var selectedDate = Date()
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
YummyDateBar(selectionManager: dateSelectionManager,
selectedDate: $selectedDate,
onDateTapped: {},
onCalendarTapped: {},
theme: currentTheme)
YummyDate comes with three built-in themes.
let customTheme = YummyTheme(primaryColor: .blue,
secondaryColor: .gray,
tertiaryColor: .white,
primaryTextColor: .white,
secondaryTextColor: .black,
primaryFont: .title,
secondaryFont: .body,
barAlignment: .center,
animation: .default,
scrollBehavior: .staticScroll)
//Note: only .staticScroll is available at the moment
In YummyDateBar, pass in your theme on initialization.
YummyDateBar(selectionManager: dateSelectionManager,
selectedDate: $dateSelectionManager.selectedDate,
theme: customTheme)
To see YummyDate in action, check out the YummyDateSampleApp included in this package. Make sure to switch the target and build on a compatible (iOS) device or simulator.
- More customization: custom scroll behavior, custom behavior for all components (Text, Icons, DateButtons)
- Use DateSelectorView without YummyDateBar
- Custom DateBar styles
- Expanded calendar methods
Contributions to YummyDate are welcome! If you have any suggestions or run into issues with YummyDate feel free to open a pull request or create an issue.