Source code and results (figures and tables) used to develop the first article of my PhD research project, entitled
Do more detailed covariates deliver more accurate soil maps?
The paper is a result of my collaboration with
- Gerard Heuvelink (ISRIC -- World Soil Information),
- Gustavo Vasques (Embrapa Soils), and
- Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ).
This research was funded by the CAPES Foundation (Process BEX 11677/13-9), Ministry of Education of Brazil, and by the CNPq Foundation (Process 480515/2013-1), Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. The use of RapidEye images is endorsed by the Corporate Commitment Agreement signed between the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil.
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Please cite this repository and its content as follows:
Samuel-Rosa, A.; Heuvelink, G. B. M.; Vasques, G. M.; Anjos, L. H. C.
Do more detailed environmental covariates deliver more accurate soil maps?
Geoderma, v. 243-244, p. 214-227, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.12.017.