A Gun which can play shooting game on PC
- Arduino Pro Micro (or something that support HID feature like Arudino Leonardo)
- MPU6050 sensor
- Buttons (like blue switch)
- Wires
- Cardboard or something that can make a gun-like model
- Soldering iron and some solder
- MPU6050 SDA connect to 2, SCL connect to 3 (2 and 3 is I2C port on Arduino Pro micro btw)
- Right click button connect to 6
- Left click button connect to 7
- Reload button connect to 4
- (Optional)
- Gun mode button connect to 8
- Mouse mode button connect to 5
- (These two buttons is for switching mouse dpi, Gun mode dpi is higher)
Important Install buttons into the model before soldering them on Arduino