PyCharm native OSX application integerated with python virtual environment in linux using docker.
Setup Development Shell and Python Environment:
Now DOCKER_DEV_HOME is set to be inside user home folder $HOME/.docker-dev-env and can be changed inside scripts/
Create directory inside user home folder, $HOME/.docker-dev-env that is DOCKER_DEV_HOME
Copy scripts folder inside $DOCKER_DEV_HOME.
Open terminal cd into $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts.
Execute script ./ []
e.g. ./ ubuntu:12.04
Environment name is optional if not specified image name is used, e.g. "ubuntu_12.04".
Wait for the script to finish and output message like the following
e.g. "Creating docker compose yaml /Users/asim_ali/.docker-dev-env/env-ubuntu_12.04/python-dev-docker-compose.override.yml"
Using the docker compose yaml file mentioned in the message, environment can be customized like more volumes can be mounted(source folder etc), add links to other docker containers(mongo,redis,es etc)
Add the customized docker compose yaml path to DOCKER_DEV_OVERRIDE_FILES list variable inside $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts/
Add this $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts to your PATH inside ~/.bash_profile to be accessible from anywhere.
Now type "chroot-docker bash" to open a shell inside the created development environment, whatever changes are made they are persisted inside the folder $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/env-
try installing different packages with pip or apt-get, they are all persisted even when you exit the shell, type "exit".
Check "python-docker --version" , this python interpreter is run inside the created development environment.
Note: Better execute chroot-docker or python-docker from a folder which is mounted into docker via customized docker compose yaml mentioned earlier.
Install PyCharm version PyCharmCE2017.2 or change the respective folder name inside the file $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts/pycharm-docker-compose.yml
ADD this "$DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts/pycharm-docker-compose.yml" to DOCKER_DEV_OVERRIDE_FILES inside $DOCKER_DEV_HOME/scripts/
Open PyCharm Preferences and Add new Python Interpreter at this path "$DOCKER_DEV_HOME/env-/python-dev-env/bin/python-docker"
Note: Right now there is a limitation with PyCharm integration, "python-docker" and "chroot-docker" interpreter does not support reading from redirected stdin that is "python-docker < test-file.txt" or "cat test-file.txt | python-docker" will not work. Because of this some PEP 8 PyCharm inspections doesn't work and should be disabled from Preferences>Editor>Inspections.