Use FloPy to build and run simple MODFLOW models. Note that not all of these work - it's just a repository where I mess around.
BakkerEtAl-2016: Figure 1 in Bakker et al. (2016) Groundwater
- Steady-state, 1D, unconfined flow between two long canals
- Fixed water level in canals of 20 m, separated by 2000 m
- Bottom of aquifer at 0 m elevation, top of aquifer at 50 m elevation
- Hydraulic conductivity 10 m/day
- Groundwater recharge 1 mm/day
- Two ditches parallel to canals with extraction rates of 1 m3/m/day, 500 m from L/R canal
GitHub-Tutorial1: confined steady-state model from
GitHub-Tutorial2: unconfined transient flow model from
SquareWithWell-SteadyState: steady-state square domain with a well in the middle
SquareWithWell-Transient: transient square domain with a well in the middle