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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 29, 2024. It is now read-only.

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120 lines (100 loc) · 4.75 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (100 loc) · 4.75 KB

If you would like to contribute and submit your own code to pubsuber

Contributing A Patch

  1. Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the repo in question.
  2. The repo owner will respond to your issue promptly.
  3. Fork the desired repo, develop and test your code changes.
  4. Ensure that your code adheres to the existing style in the sample to which you are contributing.
  5. Ensure that your code has an appropriate set of unit tests which all pass.
  6. Submit a pull request.

More Information on Forks and Pull Requests

If you are just getting started with git and GitHub, this section might be helpful. In this project we use the (more or less) standard GitHub workflow:

  1. You create a fork of pubsuber. Then clone that fork into your workstation:
    git clone
  2. The cloned repo that you created in the previous step will have its origin set to your forked repo. You should now tell git about the the main upstream repo, which you'll use to pull commits made by others in order to keep your local repo and fork up to date.
    git remote add upstream
    git remote -v  # Should show 'origin' (your fork) and 'upstream' (main repo)
  3. To pull new commits from upstream into your local repo and sync your fork you can do the following:
    git checkout develop
    git pull --ff-only upstream develop
    git push  # Pushes new commits up to your fork on GitHub
    Note: You probably want to do this periodically, and almost certainly before starting your next task.
  4. You pick an existing GitHub bug to work on.
  5. You start a new branch for each feature (or bug fix).
    git checkout develop
    git checkout -b my-feature-branch
    git push -u origin my-feature-branch  # Tells fork on GitHub about new branch
    # make your changes
    git push
  6. You submit a pull-request to merge your branch into sandvikcode/pubsuber.
  7. Your reviewers may ask questions, suggest improvements or alternatives. You address those by either answering the questions in the review or adding more commits to your branch and git push -ing those commits to your fork.
  8. From time to time your pull request may have conflicts with the destination branch (likely develop), if so, we request that you rebase your branch instead of merging. The reviews can become very confusing if you merge during a pull request. You should first ensure that your develop branch has all the latest commits by syncing your fork (see above), then do the following:
    git checkout my-feature-branch
    git rebase develop
    git push --force-with-lease
  9. Eventually the reviewers accept your changes, and they are merged into the develop branch.


This repository contains .clang-format file with used style and to format sources. Please make sure your contributions adhere to the style guide.

Advanced Compilation and Testing

Please see the README for the basic instructions on how to compile the code. In this section we will describe some advanced options.

Changing the Compiler

If your workstation has multiple compilers (or multiple versions of a compiler) installed, you can change the compiler using:

# Run this in your build directory, typically .build
$ CXX=clang++ CC=clang cmake ..

# Then compile and test normally:
$ make -j 4
$ make -j 4 test

Changing the Build Type

By default, the system is compiled with optimizations on; if you want to compile a debug version, use:

# Run this in your build directory, typically .build
$ CXX=clang++ CC=clang cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

# Then compile and test normally:
$ make -j 4
$ make -j 4 test

This project supports Debug, Release builds