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217 lines (169 loc) · 6.44 KB

Using Ufind with a Mysql database

Using Ufind for searching in a database is easy, because accessing a database is naturally well adapted to constructing a sequence (Seq.t); and any sequence can be directly used by Ufind.

In this file we give an example with the mysql package

opam install mysql

but adapting to other types of databases should be quite obvious.

First use Mysql capabilities

A database engine is meant for very quick searching in very large sets of data. So, the first thing to do is to narrow our search first, by executing a relevent query, for instance using "LIKE", as in:

"SELECT * FROM city WHERE Name LIKE '%paris%'"

On the other hand, databases are not always very good at handling Unicode encodings and searching, and the results are not ranked by relevance: this is where Ufind enters the picture, but only as a second step. In this document we only focus on this second step.

The world database

For this example, we use the freely available 'world' database

Once you have downloaded it, connect to Mysql and insert the file as follows:

mysql> SOURCE world.sql;

This database has the following structure:

mysql> SHOW tables;
| Tables_in_world |
| city            |
| country         |
| countrylanguage |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 5;
| ID | Name           | CountryCode | District      | Population |
|  1 | Kabul          | AFG         | Kabol         |    1780000 |
|  2 | Qandahar       | AFG         | Qandahar      |     237500 |
|  3 | Herat          | AFG         | Herat         |     186800 |
|  4 | Mazar-e-Sharif | AFG         | Balkh         |     127800 |
|  5 | Amsterdam      | NLD         | Noord-Holland |     731200 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Create a sequence of search items

The world function connects to mysql and gives you a handle to the world database.

We want to search in the city table. The world_items function returns a sequence of search items, where the search field is the Name of the city, and the data we want to return is a string including the Name field but also the CountryCode field, in the form "City: Paris, Country code: [FRA]".

Note that, like many Mysql databases unfortunately, its uses the isolatin encoding, so we have to convert it to utf.

#require "mysql";;
#require "seq";;
#require "ufind";;

open Printf;;
open Mysql;;

let default o x = match o with
  | None -> x
  | Some y -> y
let world_items db =
  let res = exec db "SELECT * FROM city" in
  let () = match status db with
    | StatusError _ ->
      print_endline ("Error when processing Mysql query. " ^
                     (default (errmsg db) "?"))
    | StatusOK
    | StatusEmpty -> () in
  let get_name row = (default (column ~key:"Name" ~row res)) "Unknown"
                     |> Ufind.isolatin_to_utf8 in
  let get_code row = default (column ~key:"CountryCode" ~row res) "???" in
  let get_data row = sprintf "City: %s, Country code: [%s]"
      (get_name row) (get_code row) in
  let rec seq () = match fetch res with
    | None -> Seq.empty
    | Some row -> fun () -> Seq.Cons (row, seq ()) in
  Ufind.items_from_seq ~get_name ~get_data (seq ());;
let world () =
  quick_connect ~database:"world" ~user:"......." ~password:"......."  ()


Two possibilies:

  1. Each search starts with a Mysql query.

  2. We load into memory the list of search items, and then each search does not rely on the Mysql connection anymore.

 let test () =
  let db = world () in

(* 1. With Mysql queries *)

  print_endline "\nLooking for 'paris' through a Mysql query:";
  let items = world_items db in
  let paris = Ufind.select_data items "paris" in
  List.iter print_endline paris;

  print_endline "\nLooking for 'río' through a Mysql query:";
  let items = world_items db in
  let rio = Ufind.select_data items "río" in
  List.iter print_endline rio;

(* 2A. Preprocessing *)

  print_endline "\nPreprocessing the whole database in memory.";
  let pitems = Ufind.seq_eval (world_items db) in

(* 2B. No Mysql connection required *)

  print_endline "\nLooking for 'paris':";
  let paris = Ufind.select_data pitems "paris" in
  List.iter print_endline paris;

  print_endline "\nLooking for 'río':";
  let rio = Ufind.select_data pitems "río" in
  List.iter print_endline rio;;

Here is the result:

Looking for 'paris' through a Mysql query:
City: Paris, Country code: [FRA]

Looking for 'río' through a Mysql query:
City: Ríobamba, Country code: [ECU]
City: Río Bravo, Country code: [MEX]
City: Río Cuarto, Country code: [ARG]
City: Boca del Río, Country code: [MEX]
City: Pinar del Río, Country code: [CUB]
City: San Juan del Río, Country code: [MEX]
City: San Luis Río Colorado, Country code: [MEX]
City: Rio Claro, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rio Verde, Country code: [BRA]
City: Morioka, Country code: [JPN]
City: Rio Branco, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rio Grande, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rosario, Country code: [ARG]
City: La Rioja, Country code: [ARG]
City: Ontario, Country code: [USA]
City: Rio de Janeiro, Country code: [BRA]
City: Cabo Frio, Country code: [BRA]
City: Peristerion, Country code: [GRC]
City: São José do Rio Preto, Country code: [BRA]
City: Coacalco de Berriozábal, Country code: [MEX]

Preprocessing the whole database in memory.

Looking for 'paris':
City: Paris, Country code: [FRA]

Looking for 'río':
City: Ríobamba, Country code: [ECU]
City: Río Bravo, Country code: [MEX]
City: Río Cuarto, Country code: [ARG]
City: Boca del Río, Country code: [MEX]
City: Pinar del Río, Country code: [CUB]
City: San Juan del Río, Country code: [MEX]
City: San Luis Río Colorado, Country code: [MEX]
City: Rio Claro, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rio Verde, Country code: [BRA]
City: Morioka, Country code: [JPN]
City: Rio Branco, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rio Grande, Country code: [BRA]
City: Rosario, Country code: [ARG]
City: La Rioja, Country code: [ARG]
City: Ontario, Country code: [USA]
City: Rio de Janeiro, Country code: [BRA]
City: Cabo Frio, Country code: [BRA]
City: Peristerion, Country code: [GRC]
City: São José do Rio Preto, Country code: [BRA]
City: Coacalco de Berriozábal, Country code: [MEX]
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