A python3 library to parse external import spreadsheets
This software can be used to prepare data to be imported into the pathogen's pipelines. There are three steps to this process. Validation is used to check over the manifest supplied by the user and check that the lanes have not already been imported. The prepare step converts the spreadsheet supplied into the correct format. It can also split this spreadsheet if there are too many lanes to be imported in one go. This step can also be run in two modes, to either copy the files to a set location from a users directory, or to download the files from the ENA. The last step is to load the commands needed to import the data into a bash script.
There are a number of ways to install external-import and details are provided below. If you encounter an issue when installing please contact your local system administrator.
* Python 3.6.9
* enaBrowserTools 1.5.4
python3 -m venv external_import
source external_import/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/sanger-pathogens/external-import
Run the tests
python3 setup.py test
If all of the tests pass, then install
cd external-import
pip install .
The external import can be run in a Docker container. First install Docker and then install external-import:
docker pull sangerpathogens/external-import
To use external-import use a command like this, replacing /local/data with where your files are stored:
docker run --rm -it -v /local/data:/data sangerpathogens/external-import external-import.py --help
When calling external-import (as above) you will need to add /data before any file you pass in.
source external_import/bin/activate
pip uninstall external-import
external-import.py --help
usage: external-import [-h] {validate,prepare,load} ...
positional arguments:
sub-command help
validate Validates the spreadsheet to import
prepare Prepare the import
load Print the command to import the external data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
external-import.py validate --help
usage: external-import validate [-h] -s SPREADSHEET [-i] -o OUTPUT (-cp | -dl)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Spreadsheet to validate
-i, --internal External data part of an internally sequenced study
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output director for generated lane and sample files
for pf
-cp, --copy Spreadsheet is prepared to copy reads from existing
-dl, --download Spreadsheet is prepared to download reads from ENA
external-import.py prepare --help
usage: external-import prepare [-h] -s SPREADSHEET -t TICKET (-i INPUT | -dl)
[-c range[1,1000]] -o OUTPUT [-b BREAKPOINT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Spreadsheet to validate
-t TICKET, --ticket TICKET
RT Ticket number
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Directory containing the read files to be copied.
-dl, --download Use this flag to download the fastq files from ENA
-c range[1,1000], --connections range[1,1000]
Number of connections to ENA to be made at a time if
files are to be downloaded. Default is 10.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Base directory for import datas
Breakpoint to split spreadsheet, default is no
Base directory for import data is /data/pam/applications/external_seq_data
Should be run using bsub to avoid timeout:
bsub -o prepare.o -e prepare.e -M2000 -R "select[mem>2000] rusage[mem=2000]" external-import.py prepare \
-o /data/pam/applications/external_seq_data \
-s spreadsheet.xls \
-i inputdir \
-t 123456
The script doesn't load the data, but rather prints the instructions to load the data.
external-import.py load --help
usage: external-import load [-h] -d DATABASE -t TICKET -o OUTPUT -c COMMANDS
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
The tracking database to import into
-t TICKET, --ticket TICKET
RT Ticket number
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Base directory for import data
-c COMMANDS, --commands COMMANDS
Directory for command file