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Command line tool that helps you to create, update, deploy, redeploy, delete forms in Kobo-toolbox.


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KOBO-Bifrost CLI

Commandline tool that helps you to create, update, deploy, redeploy, delete forms in Kobo-toolbox.


  1. Python v3.12.4. or greater should be installed. To install python. install python

    To check python version installed on your system follow:

python --version
  1. Create a Kobo-toolbox account Signup kobotoolbox
  2. Git should be already installed on your machine. To install git. install git

Installation and Update

To install/update Bifrost CLI Tool. Navigate to your terminal and run following command.

pip install git+

Note: It is recommended to install this package by creating a python virtual enviroment to avoid any conficts that may arise due to changes in dependencies packages version. This CLI tool uses click, requests and rich packages as dependencies After successfully installing the CLI tool. Navigate to your terminal (if you are using python enviroment first activate your python enviroment on which cli is installed) and use bifrost command to use it's funtions.


To uninstall Bifrost CLI Tool. Naviagate to your terminal and run following command.

pip uninstall bifrost-cli


Command Description Usage
list-assets List all assets bifrost list-assets
create <filepath> Create a new form from the file at <filepath> bifrost create <filepath> [-d, --deploy]
deploy <uid> Deploy the form with the specified <uid> bifrost deploy <uid>
update <uid> <filepath> Update the form with the specified <uid> using the file at <filepath> bifrost update <uid> <filepath> [-d, --deploy] [-rd, --redeploy]
redeploy <uid> Redeploy the form with the specified <uid> bifrost redeploy <uid>
remove <uid> Remove the form with the specified <uid> bifrost remove <uid>
asset xls <uid> Downloads the xlsx asset file of specified uid <uid> bifrost asset xls <uid>
asset xml <uid> Downloads the xml asset file of specified <uid> bifrost asset xml <uid>
set-permissions <uid> Set permissions for the form with the specified <uid> bifrost set-permissions <uid> [--no-auth-sub]
clone-permissions <source_uid> <target_uid> Clone permissions from the form with <source_uid> to the form with <target_uid> bifrost clone-permissions <source_uid> <target_uid>

Configuration Commands

The config group allows you to set up and view your Bifrost CLI configuration.

Command Description Usage
config api-url <url> Set the KoboToolbox API URL to <url> bifrost config api-url <url>
config api-key <key> Set the KoboToolbox API key to <key> bifrost config api-key <key>
config view Display the current configuration bifrost config view
config downloads-path Set the Path to the folder for saving data and forms bifrost downloads-path <path_to_folder>

Export Commands

The export command allows you to export your data in CSV or XLSX format

Command Description
export csv <uid> <filename> [OPTIONS] Export data to CSV format
export xls <uid> <filename> [OPTIONS] Export data to CSV format
Command Short Options Long Option Values Description
csv or xls -sep --separator TEXT Group Separator for data.
csv or xls -c --current-version Include data from all Versions default=False
csv or xls -gh --gheaders Include group headers in the export. default=True
csv or xls -lang --language [_default,_xml, <languagecode>] Language for the export: _default, _xml or language code. default=_default
csv or xls -nmu --no-media-url Include media URL in the export. default=False
csv or xls -ms --multiple-select [details, both, summary] Export select many question as default=summary
xls -xt --xtext Store data and number response as text. default=False


To use Bifrost CLI you first need to setup your API URL and API Key.

Config Kobotoolbox API key config api-key

bifrost config api-key CONFIG_API_KEY

Config Kobotoolbox API URL config api-url

bifrost config api-url CONFIG_API_URL

View Config config view

bifrost config view

Config Downloads folder path config downloads-path

bifrost config downloads-path CONFIG_DOWNLOADS_PATH

Create Koboform create

Creates a koboform as draft file.

bifrost create PATH_TO_XLS_FORM

Deploy Koboform deploy

bifrost deploy ASSET_ID

Update Koboform update

bifrost update ASSET_ID PATH_TO_XLS_FORM

Redeploy Updated Koboform redeploy

bifrost redeploy ASSET_ID PATH_TO_XLS_FORM

Create and Deploy Koboform -d

bifrost create PATH_TO_XLS_FORM -d

Update and Re-deploy Koboform -rd

bifrost update ASSET_ID PATH_TO_XLS_FORM -rd

Remove a Koboform remove

bifrost remove ASSET_ID

Download Datacsv|xls

bifrost export xls ASSET_ID FILE_NAME -sep "/" -c -gh -lang "Nepali (ne)" -nmu -xt -ms "both"

Note: Provide file name with correct extension you want the data to export. For example my_data.xlsx

Enable submit data without username and password premission --no-auth-sub

bifrost set-permissions ASSET_ID --no-auth-sub

Clone premission form another Koboform clone-permissions

bifrost clone-permissions  SOURCE_ASSET_ID TARGET_ASSET_ID

SOURCE_ASSET_ID is the uid of Koboform form which you want to copy premission to your target form.


Command line tool that helps you to create, update, deploy, redeploy, delete forms in Kobo-toolbox.








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