- Tue 22nd
- BOOK Camille Fournier, The Manager's Path
- book club - https://blog.blackmill.co/blackmill-book-club-d7176d0f2507
- chapter 1 - general discussion - notes
- Sun 20th
BOOK data wrangling with javascript ch 1 - 2.6
BOOK test driven react ch 1 - 3
- setup
mkdir test-driven-fizzbuzz cd test-driven-fizzbuzz # say yes to all questions npm init -y npm install --save-dev jest@23.6.0 # the -- is to pass arguments not to npm but what npm is running in this case jest npm run test -- --watch
- VS code
⌘ p # to open command palette > Preverences: Keymaps # although it picked up I have VIM installed so turns on those bindings by default > Shell Command: install code command in PATH # a good thing ^` # CTRL-` to toggle terminal code -r . # to reuse existing window # in terminal npm run test -- --watchAll
- git settings seem limited
- no log?
- no way to add new dir to existing git repo?
- no way to add node modules to .gitignore?
- ended doing that from the terminal as it is easier!
⌘ b # to hide/unhide navigation side bar # in settings ignore certain files from sidebar "files.exclude": { "node_modules": true, "package-lock.json": true } ⌘ K ⌘ S # display shortcuts ⌘ K ⌘ F # to auto format a selection ⌘ SHIFT X # show extentions side bar ⌥ SHIFT F # to auto format
- followed along to end ch 3 and added tests that test state. Next will be styled components and snapshot tests.
Sat 19th
- clean up of this repo
- theremin touchbar https://gist.github.com/danburzo/f54e912b7fbefb0df00d9d0306e40a8b
Old README Short list
- learn rust
- following Rust in action
- ch4 "lifetimes, ownership and borrowning"
- following Rust in action
- finish API workshop idea from rails camp
- push to github
- MVP: file definition of problems, hints, parsing as both browser and cURL
- REST CRUD example
- CORS demonstration
- signed cookies demonstration
- auth scheme demonstration
- HATEOAS demo
- starting to move to GraphQL
- unicorn log parser to find long running processes
- new project with unicorn setup to generate logs
- parse logs
- create a blog using jekyll
- put it on github and sort out hosting
- "pioneering style lashed lettering"
- kids coding
- setup github https://github.com/tamadillo
- start blog https://github.com/tamadillo/learning
- some python coding https://github.com/tamadillo/learning/tree/master/python
- more blog
- more python turtle
- arduino advent calendar
- wearable electronics and knitting
- coding laptop