See prerequisites of this sample.
The buildpack installs the Azure Application Insights Agent, and configures it for usage based on a Service Binding. This binding consists of a type
indicating what type of service it is, and an InstrumentationKey
with the Application Insight Instrumentation Key.
├── type
└── InstrumentationKey
Add your instrumentation key to the binding
echo "<Instrumentation Key>" > binding/InstrumentationKey
pack build applications/application-insights --env BP_JVM_VERSION=11 --volume "$(pwd)/binding:/platform/bindings/application-insights"
docker run --rm --env SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT=/bindings --volume "$(pwd)/binding:/bindings/application" --tty --publish 8080:8080 applications/application-insights
curl -s http://localhost:8080/actuator/health | jq .