The app is designed to simulate Codechef's past contest. Here are the main functionality of app:
- You can login using your Codechef's account(using the CodeChef API OAuth2)
- Once you logged in there is an auto-complete box that will accept a Contest Code or a Contest Name, that will take you to the contest problem page
- Contest page have functionality like:
- A clickable list of problems
- Recent activity of users on the contest (submission information)
- The ranklist for the contest.
- Timer
- Problem page have functionality like:
- The Problem Statement
- Successful submissions information on the problem
- A Submit Section
The application was deployed on a public url with the help Netlify's cloud.
To test the app locally:
git clone
cd Codechef-contest-arena
- update config-dev.json.
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
Functions Description
- Login with Codechef - You can login using your Codechef's account which uses the CodeChef API OAuth.
- Choose Contest - You can choose any contest whether by its name or code. The autocomplete box will accept a Contest Code or a Contest Name, that will take you to the contest page, which consists of list of clickable problems, recent submission, timer and rank list
- Ranklist - Shows the ranklist of the selected contest.
- Timer - Contest run for a period of given duration and once the contest gets over it automatically moves to the home page.
The application uses 2 components:
- Frontend
- Codechef API
Login | After login |
Contest Page | Problem Page |
Rank-list |
- I was not aware of React and its functionality, so it took 4-5 days in learning the concepts of React, authorization with Oauth2 and working with API. Making Login with CodeChef Credentials (using the CodeChef API OAuth) was one of the difficult part.
- React
- Javascript
- Codechef API
- Bootstrap v3
- Reactstrap
- Netlify(a cloud computing company)
Public URL of application can be found here
Made with ❤ by Saurabh Yadav