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351 lines (274 loc) · 7.87 KB

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351 lines (274 loc) · 7.87 KB

Disallow unsupported Node.js built-in APIs on the specified version (n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins)

💼 This rule is enabled in the following configs: ☑️ flat/recommended, 🟢 flat/recommended-module, ✅ flat/recommended-script, ☑️ recommended, 🟢 recommended-module, ✅ recommended-script.

Node.js community is improving built-in APIs continuously. You can check Node.js Documentation to know which Node.js version supports each Node.js API.

This rule reports unsupported Node.js built-in APIs on the configured Node.js version as lint errors. Editor integrations of ESLint would be useful to know it in real-time.

📖 Rule Details

This rule reports APIs of Node.js built-in APIs on the basis of Node.js v13.2.0 Documentation.

Configured Node.js version range

Configured Node.js version range


    "n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins": ["error", {
        "version": ">=16.0.0",
        "ignores": []


As mentioned above, this rule reads the engines field of package.json. But, you can overwrite the version by version option.

The version option accepts the valid version range of node-semver.


If you are using transpilers, maybe you want to ignore the warnings about some features. You can use this ignores option to ignore the given features.

The "ignores" option accepts an array of the following strings.


  • "Buffer.alloc"
  • "Buffer.allocUnsafe"
  • "Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow"
  • "Buffer.from"
  • "TextDecoder"
  • "TextEncoder"
  • "URL"
  • "URLSearchParams"
  • "console.clear"
  • "console.count"
  • "console.countReset"
  • "console.debug"
  • "console.dirxml"
  • ""
  • "console.groupCollapsed"
  • "console.groupEnd"
  • "console.table"
  • "console.markTimeline"
  • "console.profile"
  • "console.profileEnd"
  • "console.timeLog"
  • "console.timeStamp"
  • "console.timeline"
  • "console.timelineEnd"
  • "process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags"
  • "process.argv0"
  • ""
  • "process.cpuUsage"
  • "process.emitWarning"
  • "process.getegid"
  • "process.geteuid"
  • "process.hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback"
  • "process.hrtime.bigint"
  • "process.ppid"
  • "process.release"
  • ""
  • "process.setegid"
  • "process.seteuid"
  • "process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback"
  • "process.stdout.getColorDepth"
  • "process.stdout.hasColor"
  • "process.stderr.getColorDepth"
  • "process.stderr.hasColor"
  • "queueMicrotask"
  • "require.resolve.paths"

assert module:

  • "assert.deepStrictEqual"
  • "assert.doesNotReject"
  • "assert.notDeepStrictEqual"
  • "assert.rejects"
  • "assert.strict"
  • "assert.strict.doesNotReject"
  • "assert.strict.rejects"

async_hooks module:

  • "async_hooks"
  • "async_hooks.createHook"

buffer module:

  • "buffer.Buffer.alloc"
  • "buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafe"
  • "buffer.Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow"
  • "buffer.Buffer.from"
  • "buffer.constants"
  • "buffer.kMaxLength"
  • "buffer.transcode"

child_process module:

  • "child_process.ChildProcess"

console module:

  • "console.clear"
  • "console.count"
  • "console.countReset"
  • "console.debug"
  • "console.dirxml"
  • ""
  • "console.groupCollapsed"
  • "console.groupEnd"
  • "console.table"
  • "console.markTimeline"
  • "console.profile"
  • "console.profileEnd"
  • "console.timeLog"
  • "console.timeStamp"
  • "console.timeline"
  • "console.timelineEnd"

crypto module:

  • "crypto.Certificate.exportChallenge"
  • "crypto.Certificate.exportPublicKey"
  • "crypto.Certificate.verifySpkac"
  • "crypto.KeyObject"
  • "crypto.createPrivateKey"
  • "crypto.createPublicKey"
  • "crypto.createSecretKey"
  • "crypto.constants"
  • "crypto.fips"
  • "crypto.generateKeyPair"
  • "crypto.generateKeyPairSync"
  • "crypto.getCurves"
  • "crypto.getFips"
  • "crypto.privateEncrypt"
  • "crypto.publicDecrypt"
  • "crypto.randomFillSync"
  • "crypto.randomFill"
  • "crypto.scrypt"
  • "crypto.scryptSync"
  • "crypto.setFips"
  • "crypto.sign"
  • "crypto.timingSafeEqual"
  • "crypto.verify"

dns module:

  • "dns.Resolver"
  • "dns.resolvePtr"
  • "dns.promises"

events module:

  • "events.EventEmitter.once"
  • "events.once"

fs module:

  • "fs.Dirent"
  • "fs.copyFile"
  • "fs.copyFileSync"
  • "fs.mkdtemp"
  • "fs.mkdtempSync"
  • "fs.realpath.native"
  • "fs.realpathSync.native"
  • "fs.promises"
  • "fs.writev"
  • "fs.writevSync"

http2 module:

  • "http2"

inspector module:

  • "inspector"

module module:

  • "module.Module.builtinModules"
  • "module.Module.createRequireFromPath"
  • "module.Module.createRequire"
  • "module.Module.syncBuiltinESMExports"
  • "module.builtinModules"
  • "module.createRequireFromPath"
  • "module.createRequire"
  • "module.syncBuiltinESMExports"

os module:

  • "os.constants"
  • "os.constants.priority"
  • "os.getPriority"
  • "os.homedir"
  • "os.setPriority"
  • "os.userInfo"

path module:

  • "path.toNamespacedPath"

perf_hooks module:

  • "perf_hooks"
  • "perf_hooks.monitorEventLoopDelay"

process module:

  • "process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags"
  • "process.argv0"
  • ""
  • "process.cpuUsage"
  • "process.emitWarning"
  • "process.getegid"
  • "process.geteuid"
  • "process.hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback"
  • "process.hrtime.bigint"
  • "process.ppid"
  • "process.release"
  • ""
  • "process.resourceUsage"
  • "process.setegid"
  • "process.seteuid"
  • "process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback"
  • "process.stdout.getColorDepth"
  • "process.stdout.hasColor"
  • "process.stderr.getColorDepth"
  • "process.stderr.hasColor"

stream module:

  • "stream.Readable.from"
  • "stream.finished"
  • "stream.pipeline"

trace_events module:

  • "trace_events"

url module:

  • "url.URL"
  • "url.URLSearchParams"
  • "url.domainToASCII"
  • "url.domainToUnicode"

util module:

  • "util.callbackify"
  • "util.formatWithOptions"
  • "util.getSystemErrorName"
  • "util.inspect.custom"
  • "util.inspect.defaultOptions"
  • "util.inspect.replDefaults"
  • "util.isDeepStrictEqual"
  • "util.promisify"
  • "util.TextDecoder"
  • "util.TextEncoder"
  • "util.types"
  • "util.types.isBoxedPrimitive"

v8 module:

  • "v8"
  • "v8.DefaultDeserializer"
  • "v8.DefaultSerializer"
  • "v8.Deserializer"
  • "v8.Serializer"
  • "v8.cachedDataVersionTag"
  • "v8.deserialize"
  • "v8.getHeapCodeStatistics"
  • "v8.getHeapSnapshot"
  • "v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics"
  • "v8.serialize"
  • "v8.writeHeapSnapshot"

vm module:

  • "vm.Module"
  • "vm.compileFunction"

worker_threads module:

  • "worker_threads"

Shared Settings

The following options can be set by shared settings. Several rules have the same option, but we can set this option at once.

  • version

For Example:

    "settings": {
        "node": {
            "version": ">=16.0.0",
    "rules": {
        "n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins": ["error", {
            "ignores": []

Known limitations

This rule cannot find non-static things. For example:

  • New properties and methods of instances.
  • New parameters of functions.
  • New options properties of function parameters.
  • New events.

🔎 Implementation