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File metadata and controls

230 lines (203 loc) · 10.5 KB

Repository-specific configuration

You can add a configuration file named either .scala-steward.conf or scala-steward.conf to configure how Scala Steward updates your repository. The [.]scala-steward.conf configuration file can be located in the root of your repository, in .github directory or in .config directory (searched in this order). If a configuration file exists in more than one location, only the first found file is taken into account.

# pullRequests.frequency allows to control how often or when Scala Steward
# is allowed to create pull requests.
# Possible values:
#   @asap
#     PRs are created without delay.
#   <timespan>
#     PRs are created only again after the given timespan since the last PR
#     has passed. Example values are "36 hours", "1 day", or "14 days".

#   <CRON expression>
#     PRs are created roughly according to the given CRON expression.
#     CRON expressions consist of five fields:
#     minutes, hour of day, day of month, month, and day of week.
#     See for
#     more information about the CRON expressions that are supported.
#     Note that the date parts of the CRON expression are matched exactly
#     while the time parts are only used to abide to the frequency of
#     the given expression.
# Default: "@asap"
#pullRequests.frequency = "0 0 ? * 3" # every thursday on midnight
pullRequests.frequency = "7 days"

# pullRequests.grouping allows you to specify how Scala Steward should group
# your updates in order to reduce the number of pull-requests.
# Updates will be placed in the first group with which they match, starting
# from the first in the array. Those that do not match any group will follow
# the default procedure (one PR per update).
# Each element in the array will have the following schema:
#   - name (mandatory): the name of the group, will be used for things like naming the branch
#   - title (optional): if provided it will be used as the title for the PR
#   - filter (mandatory): a non-empty list containing the filters to use to know
#                         if an update falls into this group.
# `filter` properties would have this format:
#    {
#       version = "major" | "minor" | "patch" | "pre-release" | "build-metadata",
#       group = "{group}",
#       artifact = "{artifact}"
#    }
# For more information on the values for the `version` filter visit
# Every field in a `filter` is optional but at least one must be provided.
# For grouping every update together a filter like {group = "*"} can be # provided.
# To create a new PR for each unique combination of artifact-versions, include ${hash} in the name.
# Default: []
pullRequests.grouping = [
  { name = "patches", "title" = "Patch updates", "filter" = [{"version" = "patch"}] },
  { name = "minor_major", "title" = "Minor/major updates", "filter" = [{"version" = "minor"}, {"version" = "major"}] },
  { name = "typelevel", "title" = "Typelevel updates", "filter" = [{"group" = "org.typelevel"}, {"group" = "org.http4s"}] },
  { name = "my_libraries_${hash}", "filter" = [{"artifact" = "my-library"}, {"artifact" = "my-other-library", "group" = "my-org"}] },
  { name = "all", "title" = "Dependency updates", "filter" = [{"group" = "*"}] }

# pullRequests.includeMatchedLabels allows to control which autogenerated labels are added to PRs
# This setting has no effect on custom labels (see below).
# via a regex check each label is checked against.
# Defaults to no regex (all labels are added) which is equivalent to ".*".
pullRequests.includeMatchedLabels = "(.*semver.*)|(commit-count:n:.*)"

# pullRequests.customLabels allows to add custom labels to PRs.
# This is useful if you want to use the labels for automation (project board for example).
# Defaults to no labels (no labels are added).
pullRequests.customLabels = [ "dependencies", "scala" ]

# Only these dependencies which match the given patterns are updated.
# Each pattern must have `groupId`, and may have `artifactId` and `version`.
# Defaults to empty `[]` which mean Scala Steward will update all dependencies.
updates.allow  = [ { groupId = "com.example" } ]

# The dependencies which match the given version pattern are updated.
# Dependencies that are not listed will be updated.
# Each pattern must have `groupId`, `version` and optional `artifactId`.
# Defaults to empty `[]` which mean Scala Steward will update all dependencies.
# the following example will allow to update foo when version is 1.1.x  = [ { groupId = "com.example", artifactId="foo", version = "1.1." } ]

# The dependencies which match the given pattern are NOT updated.
# Each pattern must have `groupId`, and may have `artifactId` and `version`.
# Defaults to empty `[]` which mean Scala Steward will not ignore dependencies.
updates.ignore = [ { groupId = "org.acme", artifactId="foo", version = "1.0" } ]

# The dependencies which match the given patterns are allowed to be updated to pre-release from stable.
# This also implies, that it will be allowed for snapshot versions to be updated to snapshots of different series.
# Each pattern must have `groupId`, and may have `artifactId` and `version`.
# Defaults to empty `[]` which mean Scala Steward will ignore all stable to pre-release update options.
updates.allowPreReleases  = [ { groupId = "com.example", artifactId="foo" } ]

# If set, Scala Steward will only create or update `n` PRs each time it runs (see `pullRequests.frequency` above).
# Useful if running frequently and/or CI build are costly
# Default: null
updates.limit = 5

# The extensions of files that should be updated.
# Default: [".mill-version",".sbt",".sbt.shared",".sc",".scala",".scalafmt.conf",".sdkmanrc",".yml","","mill-version","pom.xml"]
updates.fileExtensions = [".scala", ".sbt", ".sbt.shared", ".sc", ".yml", ".md", ".markdown", ".txt"]

# If "on-conflicts", Scala Steward will update the PR it created to resolve conflicts as
# long as you don't change it yourself.
# If "always", Scala Steward will always update the PR it created as long as
# you don't change it yourself.
# If "never", Scala Steward will never update the PR
# Default: "on-conflicts"
updatePullRequests = "always" | "on-conflicts" | "never"

# If set, Scala Steward will use this message template for the commit messages and PR titles.
# Supported variables: ${artifactName}, ${currentVersion}, ${nextVersion} and ${default}
# Default: "${default}" which is equivalent to "Update ${artifactName} to ${nextVersion}"
commits.message = "Update ${artifactName} from ${currentVersion} to ${nextVersion}"

# If true and when upgrading version in .scalafmt.conf, Scala Steward will perform scalafmt
# and add a separate commit when format changed. So you don't need reformat manually and can merge PR.
# If false, Scala Steward will not perform scalafmt, so your CI may abort when reformat needed.
# Default: true
scalafmt.runAfterUpgrading = false

# It is possible to have multiple scala projects in a single repository. In that case the folders containing the projects (build.sbt folders)
# are specified using the buildRoots property. Note that the paths used there are relative and if the repo directory itself also contains a build.sbt the dot can be used to specify it.
# Default: ["."]
buildRoots = [ ".", "subfolder/projectA" ]

# Define commands that are executed after an update via a hook.
# A groupId and/or artifactId can be defined to only execute after certain dependencies are updated. If neither is defined, the hook runs for every update.
postUpdateHooks = [{
  command = ["sbt", "protobufGenerate"],
  commitMessage = "Regenerated protobuf files",
  groupId = "com.github.sbt",
  artifactId = "sbt-protobuf"

# You can override some config options for dependencies that matches the given pattern.
# Currently, "pullRequests" can be overridden.
# Each pattern must have `groupId`, and may have `artifactId` and `version`.
# First-matched entry is used.
# More-specific entry should be placed before less-specific entry.
# Default: empty `[]`
dependencyOverrides = [
    dependency = { groupId = "com.example", artifactId = "foo", version = "2." },
    pullRequests = { frequency = "1 day" },
    dependency = { groupId = "com.example", artifactId = "foo" },
    pullRequests = { frequency = "30 day" },
    dependency = { groupId = "com.example" },
    pullRequests = { frequency = "14 day" },

# Assign people from the list to the pull request or request a review.
# Currently supported only for GitLab and GitHub.
# GitLab users - free version of GitLab only supports one assignee and one reviewer, others will be ignored.
# GitHub users - to request review from a team inside your organisation it should be specified
# like "yourOrg/yourTeam" in `reviewers` config below.
# Please note that only accounts with write access to the repository (Developer role for GitLab) are able
# to add assignees or request reviews. Consequently, it won't work for public @scala-steward instance on GitHub.
assignees = [ "username1", "username2" ]
reviewers = [ "username1", "username2" ]

The version information given in the patterns above can be in two formats:

  1. just a version field that is treated as a prefix of the version
  2. a structure consisting of any of the following fields:
    • prefix: is matched against the beginning of the version
    • suffix: is matched against the end of the version
    • exact: is matched against the whole version
    • contains: is matched against substrings in the version
version = "1.1."
version = { prefix = "1.1." }
version = { suffix = "jre8" }
version = { prefix = "1.1.", suffix = "jre8" }
version = { exact = "1.1.2.jre8" }
version = { contains = "feature" }

Ignore lines

Though updates.ignores offers granular configuration to exclude dependencies from update, Scala Steward also recognizes markers in file to ignore lines.

Dependencies in lines between // scala-steward:off and // scala-steward:on are not updated.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  // scala-steward:off
  "com.github.pathikrit" %% "better-files" % "3.8.0",
  "com.olegpy" %% "better-monadic-for" % "0.3.1",
  // scala-steward:on
  "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "1.3.1",  // This and subsequent will get updated
  "org.typelevel" %% "cats-kernel-laws" % "1.6.1"

Also, the line ends with // scala-steward:off is not updated solely.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.4.0", // scala-steward:off
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % "2.5.0", // This and subsequent will get updated