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File metadata and controls

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Integrating a new editor

Metals is a language server implemented in Scala that communicates with a single client over JSON-RPC.

Starting the server

Use Coursier to obtain the JVM classpath of Metals:

See Metals server properties for additional system properties that are supported by the server.

JSON-RPC communication takes place over standard input/output so the Metals server doesn't print anything to the console when it starts. Instead, before establishing a connection with the client, Metals logs notifications to a global directory:

# macOS
# Linux
# Linux (alternative)
# Windows

After establishing a connection with the client, Metals redirects logs to the .metals/metals.log file in the LSP workspace root directory.

Metals supports two kinds of JSON-RPC endpoints:

  • Language Server Protocol: for the main functionality of the server, including editor text synchronization and semantic features such as goto definition.
  • Metals extensions: for additional functionality that is missing in LSP but improves the user experience.

Configuring the server

Over time the recommended way to configure Metals has shifted from heavily relying on the Metals server properties to being fully able to be configured via InitializationOptions which are exchanged during the initialize process. While Metals will still work being fully configured by server properties, we strongly recommend that instead you rely on the InitializationOptions which are thoroughly covered below in the initialize section.

Language Server Protocol

Consult the LSP specification to learn more about how LSP works. Metals uses the following endpoints from the specification.


  • the rootUri field is used to configure Metals for that workspace directory. The working directory for where server is started has no significant meaning.
  • at this point, Metals uses only full text synchronization. In the future, it will be able to use incremental text synchronization.
  • didChangeWatchedFiles client capability is used to determine whether to register file watchers.


During initialize we also have the ability to pass in InitializationOptions. This is the primary way to configure Metals. In Metals we have a few different "providers". Some are LSP extensions, such as metals/inputBox which you read about below, and others used to be server properties that have been migrated to InitializationOptions. M

The currently available settings for InitializationOptions are listed below.

    interface InitializationOptions: {
      compilerOptions: {
        completionCommand?: string;
        isCompletionItemDetailEnabled?: boolean;
        isCompletionItemDocumentationEnabled?: boolean;
        isCompletionItemResolve?: boolean;
        isHoverDocumentationEnabled?: boolean;
        isSignatureHelpDocumentationEnabled?: boolean;
        overrideDefFormat?: "ascii" | "unicode";
        parameterHintsCommand?: string;
        snippetAutoIndent?: boolean;
      debuggingProvider?: boolean;
      didFocusProvider?: boolean;
      doctorProvider?: "json" | "html";
      executeClientCommandProvider?: boolean;
      globSyntax?: "vscode" | "uri";
      icons?: "vscode" | "octicons" | "atom" | "unicode";
      inputBoxProvider?: boolean;
      isVirtualDocumentSupported?: boolean;
      isExitOnShutdown?: boolean;
      isHttpEnabled?: boolean;
      openFilesOnRenameProvider?: boolean;
      quickPickProvider?: boolean;
      renameFileThreshold?: number;
      statusBarProvider?: "on" | "off" | "log-message" | "show-message";
      treeViewProvider?: boolean;
      testExplorerProvider?: boolean;
      openNewWindowProvider?: boolean;
      copyWorksheetOutputProvider?: boolean;
      commandInHtmlFormat?: "vscode" | "sublime";
      doctorVisibilityProvider?: boolean;

You can also always check these in the InitializationOptions.scala file where you'll find all of the options and descriptions. Alternatively you can check out the typescript equivalent - MetalsInitializationOptions.ts


An optional string value for a command identifier to trigger completion (textDocument/signatureHelp) in the editor.

Possible values:

  • "editor.action.triggerSuggest": currently used by Visual Studio Code and coc.nvim.
  • empty: for all other editors.

Boolean value signifying whether or not the CompletionItem.detail field should be populated.

Default value: true


Boolean value signifying whether or not the CompletionItem.documentation field should be populated.

Default value: true


Boolean value signifying whether the client wants Metals to handle the completionItem/resolve request.

Default value: true


Boolean value signifying whether to include docstrings in a textDocument/hover request.

Default value: true


Boolean value signifying whether or not the SignatureHelp.documentation field should be populated.

Default value: true


Whether or not the presentation compiler overrides should show unicode icon or just be in ascii format.

Possible Values:

  • "ascii" (default)
  • unicode show the "πŸ”Ό" icon in overrides.

An optional string value for a command identifier to trigger parameter hints (textDocument/signatureHelp) in the editor. Metals uses this setting to populate CompletionItem.command for completion items that move the cursor inside an argument list. For example, when completing "".stripSu@@ into "".stripSuffix(@@), Metals will automatically trigger parameter hints if this setting is provided by the editor.

Possible values:

  • "editor.action.triggerParameterHints": Used by Visual Studio Code and coc.nvim.
  • empty: for all other editors.

Certain editors will automatically insert indentation equal to that of the reference line that the operation started on. This is relevant in the case of multiline textEdits such as the "implement all methods" completion.

Possible values:

  • on: (default): the client automatically adds in the indentation. This is the case for VS Code, Sublime, and coc.nvim.
  • off: the client does not add any indentation when receiving a multi-line textEdit

Boolean value signifying whether or not the client supports running CopyWorksheetOutput server command and copying its results into the local buffer.

Default value: false


Boolean value to signify that the client supports the Debug Adapter Protocol.

Default value: false


Boolean value to signify that the client supports the metals/didFocusTextDocument extension.

Default value: false


Useful for certain DAP clients that are unable to handle color codes for output. This will remove the color codes coming from whatever DAP server is currently being used.

Default value: false


Format that you'd like Doctor to return information in.

Possible values:

  • html: (default): Metals will return html that can be rendered directly in the browser or web view
  • json: json representation of the information returned by Doctor. See the json format here.

Possible values:

  • off (default): the metals/executeClientCommand notification is not supported. Client commands can still be handled by enabling -Dmetals.http=on.
  • on: the metals/executeClientCommand notification is supported and all Metals client commands are handled.

Controls the glob syntax for registering file watchers on absolute directories. Registration happens via client/registerCapability for the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles method, if the editor client supports it.

Possible values:

  • uri (default): URI-encoded file paths, with forward slash / for file separators regardless of the operating system. Includes file:// prefix.
  • vscode: use regular Path.toString for the absolute directory parts (/ on macOS+Linux and \ on Windows) and forward slashes / for relative parts. For example, C:\Users\IEUser\workspace\project/*.{scala,sbt,properties}. This mode is used by the VS Code client.

Possible values:

  • none (default): don't display icons in messages.
  • vscode: use Octicons such as $(rocket) for status bar messages, as supported by th VS Code status bar.
  • unicode: use unicode emojis like πŸš€ for status bar messages.

Possible values:

  • off (default): the metals/inputBox request is not supported. In this case, Metals tries to fall back to window/showMessageRequest when possible.
  • on: the metals/inputBox request is fully supported.

Possible values:

  • off (default): run System.exit only on the exit notification, as required by the LSP specification.
  • on: run System.exit after the shutdown request, going against the LSP specification. This option is enabled by default for Sublime Text to prevent the Metals process from staying alive after Sublime Text has quit with Cmd+Q. It's not possible for Sublime Text packages to register a callback when the editor has quit. See LSP#410 for more details.

Possible values:

  • off (default): don't start a server with the Metals HTTP client.
  • on: start a server with the [Metals HTTP client] to interact with the server through a basic web UI. This option is needed for editor clients that don't support necessary requests such as window/showMessageRequest.

Boolean value to signify whether or not the client opens files when doing a rename.

Default: false


Boolean value signifying whether or not the client supports opening up a new window with the newly created project. Used in conjunction with the New Project Provider.

Default value: false


Boolean value to signify whether or not the client implements the metals/quickPick extensions.

Default value: false


The max amount of files that you would like the client to open if the client is a openFilesOnRenameProvider.

Default value: 300


Possible values:

  • off (default): the metals/status notification is not supported.
  • on: the metals/status notification is supported.
  • log-message: translate metals/status notifications to window/logMessage notifications.
  • show-message: translate metals/status notifications to window/showMessage show notifications however the client displays messages to the user.

Boolean value signifying whether or not the client supports the Tree View Protocol.

Default value: false


Boolean value to signify whether or not the client implements the Test Explorer.


Boolean value to signify whether or not the client implements the "metals/doctorVisibilityDidChange". This JSON notification is used to keep track of doctor state. If client implements this provider then Metals server will send updates to the doctor view.

Experimental Capabilities

All of the features that used to be set with experimental can now all be set via InitializationOptions. This is the preferred way to configure Metals.


Triggers build server initialization and workspace indexing. The initialized notification is critical for any Metals functionality to work.


It is very important that the client sends a shutdown request in order for Metals to clean up open resources.

  • persists incremental compilation analysis files. Without a shutdown hook, Metals will need to re-compile the entire workspace on next startup.
  • stops ongoing processes such as sbt bloopInstall
  • closes database connections


Kills the process using System.exit.


If the client declares the workspace.didChangeWatchedFiles capability during the initialize request, then Metals follows up with a client/registerCapability request to register file watchers for certain glob patterns.


Triggers compilation in the build server for the build target containing the opened document. Related, see metals/didFocusTextDocument.


Required to know the text contents of the current unsaved buffer.


Cleans up resources.


Triggers compilation in the build server and analyses if the build needs to be re-imported.


Metals forwards diagnostics from the build server to the editor client. Additionally, Metals publishes Information diagnostics for unexpected compilation errors when navigating external library sources.


Metals supports goto definition for workspace sources in addition to external library sources.

  • Library sources live under the directory .metals/readonly and they are marked as read-only to prevent the user from editing them.
  • The destination location can either be a Scala or Java source file. It is recommended to have a Java language server installed to navigate Java sources.


Metals finds symbol references for workspace sources but not external library dependencies.

LSP does not support streaming references so when project sources have not been compiled at the point of a request, Metals returns immediately with potentially incomplete results and triggers a background cascade compilation to find new symbol references. If new symbol references are discovered after the background compilation completes, Metals sends a notification via metals/status and window/logMessage asking the user to run "find references" again.


Returns DocumentSymbol[] if the client declares support for hierarchical document symbol or SymbolInformation[] otherwise.


Formats the sources with the Scalafmt version that is declared in .scalafmt.conf.

  • when .scalafmt.conf is missing, Metals sends a window/showMessageRequest to create the file.
  • when .scalafmt.conf exists but doesn't declare a version setting, Metals sends a metals/inputBox when supported (with fallback to window/showMessageRequest when unsupported) to prepend version=$VERSION to the .scalafmt.conf file.
  • the first format request is usually slow because Metals needs to download Scalafmt artifacts from Maven Central. While the download happens, Metals adds a message in the status bar via metals/status and detailed download progress information is logged to .metals/metals.log.


Returns Hover for specified text document and position - lsp spec.

Metals also support an extended version of this method that supports hover for selection range. The extended stucture of request params is the following:

interface HoverExtParams {
  textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
  /** Either `position` or `range` should be specified */
  position?: Position;
  range?: Range;


Optional. Metals uses a built-in file watcher for critical functionality such as Goto Definition so it is OK if an editor does not send workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles notifications.

Metals listens to workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles notifications from the editor for nice-to-have but non-critical file watching events. Metals automatically registers for the following glob patterns if the editor supports dynamic registration for file watching.

The editor is responsible for manually watching these file patterns if the editor does not support dynamic file watching registration but can still send workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles notifications.


Used to trigger a Metals server command.


Used to update Metals user configuration.


Used to log non-critical and non-actionable information. The user is only expected to use the logs for troubleshooting or finding metrics for how long certain events take.


Used to send critical but non-actionable notifications to the user. For non-critical notifications, see metals/status.


Used to send critical and actionable notifications to the user. To notify the user about long running tasks that can be cancelled.

Metals server properties

There are various Metals server properties that can be configured through JVM system properties. A system property is passed to the server like this:

# with `java` binary
java -Dmetals.statistics=all ...
# with `coursier bootstrap`
coursier bootstrap --java-opt -Dmetals.statistics=all ...

Below are the available server properties:


Possible values:

  • off (default): don't log unnecessary details.
  • on: emit very detailed logs, should only be used when debugging problems.


By default, Metals logs only the most relevant metrics like time it takes to run sbt and import a workspace. To enable further metrics, update this property with a comma separated list of the following supported values:

  • memory: print memory usage of the navigation index after build import.
  • definition: print total time to respond to textDocument/definition requests.

Set the value to -Dmetals.statistics=all to enable all statistics.

Possible values:

  • on (default): use H2 AUTO_SERVER=TRUE mode to support multiple concurrent Metals servers in the same workspace. If this option is enabled, the Metals H2 database communicate to other concurrently running Metals servers via TCP through a free port. In case of failure to establish a AUTO_SERVER=TRUE connection, Metals falls back to AUTO_SERVER=FALSE.
  • off: do not use AUTO_SERVER=TRUE. By disabling this option, it's not possible to run concurrent Metals servers in the same workspace directory. For example, it's not possible to have both VS Code and Vim installed with Metals running in the same directory. In case there are multiple Metals servers running in the same workspace directory, Metals falls back to using an in-memory database resulting in a degraded user experience.


Possible values:

  • off (default): do not log verbose debugging information for the presentation compiler.
  • on: log verbose debugging information for the presentation compiler.


Version number of the sbt-bloop plugin to use for the "Install build" command. Default value is -Dbloop.sbt.version=@SBT_BLOOP_VERSION@.

The below properties are also available as user configuration options. It's preferable to set these there:


Port number of the Bloop server to connect to. Should only be used if Bloop server was set up in a custom way. Default value is 8212.

Possible values are any allowed port number that the Bloop server is able to run on.

Metals user configuration

Users can customize the Metals server through the LSP workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification. Unlike server properties, it is normal for regular Metals users to configure these options.

User configuration options can optionally be provided via server properties using the -Dmetals. prefix. System properties may be helpful for editor clients that don't support workspace/didChangeConfiguration. In case user configuration is defined both via system properties and workspace/didChangeConfiguration, then workspace/didChangeConfiguration takes precedence.

Metals server commands

The client can trigger one of the following commands through the workspace/executeCommand request.

Metals client commands

The Metals server can send one of the following client commands if the client supports the metals/executeClientCommand notification,

Metals HTTP client

Metals has an optional web interface that can be used to trigger server commands and respond to server requests. This interface is not intended for regular users, it exists only to help editor plugin authors integrate with Metals.

Metals http client

The server is enabled by passing the -Dmetals.http=on system property. The server runs by default at http://localhost:5031. When the port 5031 is taken the next free increment is chosen instead (5032, 5033, ...).

Metals LSP extensions

Editor clients can opt into receiving Metals-specific JSON-RPC requests and notifications. Metals extensions are not defined in LSP and are not strictly required for the Metals server to function but it is recommended to implement them to improve the user experience.

To enable Metals extensions, start the main process with the system property -Dmetals.extensions=true.

Debug Adapter Protocol

Metals implements and additional protocol for running and debugging inside the editor, see the Debug Adapter Protocol.

Tree View Protocol

Metals implements several custom JSON-RPC endpoints related to rendering tree views in the editor client, the Tree View Protocol.


The Metals status notification is sent from the server to the client to notify about non-critical and non-actionable events that are happening in the server. Metals status notifications are a complement to window/showMessage and window/logMessage. Unlike window/logMessage, status notifications should always be visible in the user interface. Unlike window/showMessage, status notifications are not critical meaning that they should not demand too much attention from the user.

In general, Metals uses status notifications to update the user about ongoing events in the server such as batch compilation in the build server or when a successful connection was established with the build server.

Metals status bar

The "πŸš€ Imported build" and "πŸ”„ Compiling explorer" messages at the bottom of the window are metals/status notifications.


  • method: metals/status
  • params: MetalsStatusParams defined as follows:
interface MetalsStatusParams {
  /** The text to display in the status bar. */
  text: string;
  /** If true, show the status bar. */
  show?: boolean;
  /** If true, hide the status bar. */
  hide?: boolean;
  /** If set, display this message when user hovers over the status bar. */
  tooltip?: string;
  /** If set, execute this command when the user clicks on the status bar item. */
  command?: string;


The Metals did focus notification is sent from the client to the server when the editor changes focus to a new text document. Unlike textDocument/didOpen, the did focus notification is sent even when the text document is already open.

Metals did focus

Observe that the compilation error appears as soon as UserTest.scala is focused even if the text document was already open before. The LSP textDocument/didOpen notification is only sent the first time a document so it is not possible for the language server to re-trigger compilation when moves focus back to UserTest.scala that depends on APIs defined in User.scala.


  • method: metals/didFocusTextDocument
  • params: string, the URI of the document where the focused was moved to.


The Metals execute client command is sent from the server to the client to trigger an action inside the editor. This notification is a copy of the workspace/executeCommand except

  • execute client command is a notification, not a request
  • execute client command is initiated from the server, not the client

See Metals client commands for the list of supported client commands.


  • method: metals/executeClientCommand
  • params: ExecuteCommandParams, as defined in LSP.


The Metals input box request is sent from the server to the client to let the user provide a string value for a given prompt. Unlike window/showMessageRequest, the metals/inputBox request allows the user to provide a custom response instead of picking a pre-selected value.


  • method: metals/inputBox
  • params: MetalsInputBoxParams defined as follows. Note, matches InputBoxOptions in the Visual Studio Code API:
export interface MetalsInputBoxParams {
   * The value to prefill in the input box.
  value?: string;
   * The text to display underneath the input box.
  prompt?: string;
   * An optional string to show as place holder in the input box to guide the user what to type.
  placeHolder?: string;
   * Set to `true` to show a password prompt that will not show the typed value.
  password?: boolean;
   * Set to `true` to keep the input box open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window.
  ignoreFocusOut?: boolean;
  • result: MetalsInputBoxResult defined as follows:
export interface MetalsInputBoxResult {
  value?: string;
  cancelled?: boolean;


The Metals quick pick request is sent from the server to the client to let the user provide a string value by picking one out of a number of given options. It is similar to window/showMessageRequest, but the metals/quickPick request has richer parameters, that can be used to filter items to pick, like description and detail.


  • method: metals/quickPick
  • params: MetalsQuickInputParams defined as follows. It partially matches QuickPickOptions in the Visual Studio Code API, but it also contains items of MetalsQuickPickItem, which, in it's turn, partially matches QuickPickItem, but these interfaces do not contain options for picking many items:
export interface MetalsQuickPickParams {
   * An array of items that can be selected from.
  items: MetalsQuickPickItem[];
   * An optional flag to include the description when filtering the picks.
  matchOnDescription?: boolean;
   * An optional flag to include the detail when filtering the picks.
  matchOnDetail?: boolean;
   * An optional string to show as place holder in the input box to guide the user what to pick on.
  placeHolder?: string;
   * Set to `true` to keep the picker open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window.
  ignoreFocusOut?: boolean;

export interface MetalsQuickPickItem {
   * An id for this items that should be return as a result of the picking.
  id: string;
   * A human readable string which is rendered prominent.
  label: string;
   * A human readable string which is rendered less prominent.
  description?: string;
   * A human readable string which is rendered less prominent.
  detail?: string;
   * Always show this item.
  alwaysShow?: boolean;
  • result: MetalsQuickPickResult defined as follows:
export interface MetalsQuickPickResult {
  itemId?: string;
  cancelled?: boolean;


The metals/windowStateDidChange notification is sent from the client to the server to indicate whether the editor application window is focused or not. When the editor window is not focused, Metals tries to avoid triggering expensive computation in the background such as compilation.


  • method: metals/windowStateDidChange
  • params: WindowStateDidChangeParams defined as follows:
interface WindowStateDidChangeParams( {
  /** If true, the editor application window is focused. False, otherwise. */
  focused: boolean;


The metals/openWindow params are used with the New Scala Project functionality. After the new project has been created, if the editor has the ability to open the project in a new window then these params are used with the metals-open-folder command.

interface MetalsOpenWindowParams {
  /** Location of the newly created project. */
  uri: string;
  /** Whether or not to open the project in a new window. */
  openNewWindow: boolean;


The FindTextInDependencyJars request is sent from the client to the server to perform a search though files in the classpath including binary and sources jars. In response it returns a standard list of Location from the LSP spec.

In case if this endpoint was called with empty query.pattern or empty options.include server sends metals/inputBox request to the client to obtain these values.


  • method: metals/findTextInDependecyJars
  • params: FindTextInDependencyJarsRequest defined as follows.
 * Currenly, only `pattern` field is used for search.
 * See:
interface TextSearchQuery {
		 * The text pattern to search for.
    pattern?: string;
		 * Whether or not `pattern` should be interpreted as a regular expression.
    isRegExp?: boolean;
		 * Whether or not the search should be case-sensitive.
    isCaseSensitive?: boolean;
		 * Whether or not to search for whole word matches only.
    isWordMatch?: boolean;

interface FindTextInFilesOptions {
    /** Include file filter. Example: `*.conf` */
    include?: string;
    /** Exclude file filter. Example: `*.conf` */
    exclude?: string;

interface FindTextInDependencyJarsRequest(
    options?: FindTextInFilesOptions;
    query: TextSearchQuery


  • result: Location[]


When the client opens the doctor view, it will send in visible: true to the server and then visible: false when the doctor view is closed. This will ensure that the doctor checks aren't calculated on the server side when they aren't needed to since they won't be seen by the client anyways.


  • method: metals/doctorVisibilityDidChange
  • params: DoctorVisibilityDidChangeParams
interface DoctorVisibilityDidChangeParams {
  visible: boolean;