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kyucrane edited this page Sep 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

This page specifies the meta-data for synchronization purposes.

This information may be included in the XML meta-data of any stream to override defaults on time-series synchronization.

<synchronization>       # information about synchronization requirements      
   <offset_mean>        # mean offset (seconds). This value should be
                        # subtracted from XDF timestamps before comparing
                        # streams. For local LSL generated events, this value
                        # is defined to be zero.
   <offset_rms>         # root-mean-square offset (seconds). Note that it is
                        # very rare for offset distributions to be Gaussian.
   <offset_median>      # median offset (seconds). 
   <offset_5_centile>   # 95% of offsets are greater than this value (seconds)
   <offset_95_centile>  # 95% of offsets are less than this value (seconds)
   <can_drop_samples>   # whether the stream can have dropped samples
                        # (true/false). Typically true for video cameras and
                        # video displays and false otherwise.